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Flip flop rock de Outkast


Speakerboxxx/the love below

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Flip flop rock

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"Flip Flop Rock" es una canción interpretada por el grupo OutKast, que forma parte de su álbum "Speakerboxxx/the love below". Este tema pertenece al género del rap y hip-hop, y cuenta con la colaboración de Jay-Z. Fue publicado en un año que no se ha proporcionado.

El significado de la letra de "Flip Flop Rock" aborda temas como la identidad personal, la percepción social y la habilidad para superar estereotipos raciales. En la primera parte de la canción, se vislumbra una reflexión sobre cómo las apariencias físicas pueden influir en la forma en que los demás nos perciben, así como en las expectativas que se crean a nuestro alrededor. La letra desafía a los oyentes a mirar más allá de las diferencias superficiales para reconocer nuestra humanidad compartida.

Además, se hace referencia a la importancia del autodescubrimiento y la autoaceptación. Se plantea la pregunta de si realmente importa el color de piel o el origen étnico cuando, al final del día, todos somos seres humanos compartiendo el mismo planeta. A través de metáforas y juegos de palabras, se destaca la necesidad de trascender las divisiones impuestas por la sociedad para encontrar puntos en común que nos unan como individuos.

En comparación con otras obras de OutKast, "Flip Flop Rock" mantiene su estilo distintivo tanto líricamente como musicalmente. La combinación única de ritmos vibrantes y letras reflexivas es una constante en su discografía. A lo largo de su carrera, el grupo ha explorado temas sociales y personales con honestidad y creatividad, destacando su versatilidad artística.

La inspiración detrás de esta canción puede provenir tanto de experiencias personales como observaciones del mundo que les rodea. La narrativa introspectiva invita a los oyentes a cuestionar sus propios prejuicios y valores preestablecidos.

Un dato curioso sobre "Flip Flop Rock" es el uso ingenioso del lenguaje y las referencias culturales para transmitir ideas complejas en un formato accesible para audiencias diversas. Esta capacidad para combinar entretenimiento con contenido significativo es uno de los puntos fuertes del grupo OutKast.

En resumen, "Flip Flop Rock" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un llamado a la reflexión sobre identidad, diversidad e inclusión. A través de su música contagiosa y letras perspicaces, OutKast continúa desafiando los límites del género rap mientras inspira conversaciones importantes sobre temas sociales relevantes.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Big boi: style on y'all ass
k. mike: do or die, aquemini
k. mike: killer mike, roc-a-fella collaboration -holla
y. hova: big boi in the place to be
y. hova: andre 3000 (cash) shout out to public housin' (bitch)
y. hova: i brought (holla) the whole hood with me
big boi: you got red dirt in your afro
y. hova: young hov' in the place to be (yeah)
y. hova: outkast in the place to be (yeah)
Big boi:
did you ever think that you would be the nigga on the block
didn't have to break a steerin' column, didn't have to cook a rock
a damn goodie two-shoes, that what they call ya
never judge a person or a book by it's covers
just because my tone is darker than yours, a little tanner
you never took the time out, examine yourself boi
....are you black, white, asian?
indonesian, or borean-that's black and korean
we on the same team if we breathin'
i jumped off the subject to see if you was seein'
that we drop a little science off in every verse
they put that sticker on it cause they scared we gon' curse
but the knowledge is the power, the cowards get devoured
any hour, any cipher, any way to any height
because i might just snap on a f-ass na
might clap a cap at a sucka-ass nigga
in the meantime, daddy fatsacks gon' chill out
he might just, pull out his pistol
and let that thang whistle at your windshield or your residence
superman to clark kent, you better be way harded
than the park bench to start this
marcus, jason, my little brother james
all my brothers from my momma but andre is just the same
ain't no uno, we a duo; deuce dos to a pair
a player stiffen the competition
pressed like levi's toughskins, on minus one
negative one minus negative one is nothin
bustin' d-boy raps and player poems
the "kast s ain't plastic, we smash it and move the crowd
and rock the crowd original material while you bore 'em
your life show consists of eveybody's s but you're-uns
do you own s in your life show (bitin ass na)
young hov' in the place to be
big boi in the place to be (young)
andre 3000 (cash) shout out to public housin (bh)
i brought (holla) the whole hood with me (yeah, yeah)
young hov' in the place to be
big boi in the place to be (young)
andre 3000 (cash) shout out to public housin (bh)
i brought (hollo) the whole hood with me (yeah, yeah)
Big boi:
penelope ann cruz couldn't snooze
with her eye's wide shut, before i ashed to hit her gut
if you brunette, legally blonde, i might respond
take you to swan lake, and beyond
antwan raps on, raps on, clap off clop on
i switch the flow so quick you cannot fa-thom
i take a submarine two thousand leagues below the sea
and try to grab one line or sentence
rhyme repentance, find the illest lyricist
and give him a clean bill of health
wealth might make you look good but you sould like s
and your team
Killer mike:
my na big boi said "watch 'em as they gawk and they gander
you can follow or lead like commander picard
you can have the whole world
or be satisfied with the boulevard, overstand
this young player's rhyme
i foregoed the crime and i focused on rhyme
focused on every word, and line
like a young cassius clay in this prime
i was born to talk s and prove mine, and i'm
the epitome of raw rhyme
got signed, got serious about the craft
of raw rhyme and i got mine- aquemini's
murderous monster move minds
did it so hard that it oughta be a crime
when you see i'm comin' holla one-time, holla one-time
when you see i'm comin' holla one-time (one-time)
don't, you, like, to groove
in your hooptie on your old, flip, flop, sweatshoes
to run yo' tennis shoes
don't, it, matter to you
that outkast we got that slump for y'all
keep that funk for y'all
when i'm in the mood i rock the s dot tennis shoes
at the interlude, i got the gucci flip-flops
and i, fix it up like gin and juice when i'm them interviews
dudes wanna know what he copped
and where you got that, and how could they buy that
where the million dollar watch at, stop that
why that, why this, naz wanna hijack the flyness
i'm on a whole 'nother plane
a whole different lane, a whole 'nother game that i'm playin'
understand what i'm sayin'
hov' and outkast, whatchu think about that?
really don't matter though what you naz chatter though
anybody get out of line then you trust
that the mac'll go r-r-r-r-rap, got you killed for that alone
back on the s, back on the strip
another hit i'm not gon' miss

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.