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Broken wings de Sage Francis


Personal journals

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Broken wings

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La canción "Broken Wings" es interpretada por el cantante Sage Francis, perteneciente a su álbum "Personal Journals". Esta pieza musical se encasilla dentro de los géneros de rap y hip-hop, presentando una narrativa lírica profunda y reflexiva por parte del artista.

El significado en la letra de "Broken Wings" es conmovedor y poético. La canción habla sobre una mujer descrita como un hada con alas rotas, que simboliza la vulnerabilidad y la opresión. Se le describe como alguien que debería estar liberada para volar libremente, pero en cambio se ve atrapada y censurada por aquellos que no entienden su brillo. Francis utiliza metáforas poderosas para transmitir la sensación de restricción e injusticia que rodea a esta mujer excepcional.

El verso incluye referencias a cómo la sociedad intenta sofocar su creatividad, talento y libertad. A pesar de su habilidad para sobresalir y comunicarse mediante el arte, se siente coaccionada y controlada por aquellos que buscan mantenerla bajo su dominio. La canción resalta las luchas internas y externas que enfrenta esta mujer única, destrozando sus alas metafóricamente.

La letra también aborda temas más amplios sobre la libertad personal, resistencia contra la opresión y desafío a las normas establecidas. Sage Francis usa esta historia ficticia para explorar cuestiones más profundas sobre el poder, la manipulación y la importancia de mantener viva nuestra verdadera esencia incluso cuando enfrentamos adversidades abrumadoras.

Al comparar "Broken Wings" con otras obras de Sage Francis, se revela un patrón temático constante en sus letras: la crítica social profunda combinada con un toque poético e introspectivo. Este tema recurrente muestra su compromiso con contar historias auténticas que provocan reflexiones en el oyente.

En cuanto a curiosidades sobre la canción, cabe destacar que "Broken Wings" destaca por su estilo lírico único dentro del repertorio de Sage Francis. El uso detallado de metáforas visuales evoca imágenes vividas en la mente del oyente, creando una experiencia auditiva inolvidable.

En conclusión, "Broken Wings" es una canción fascinante que combina conocimiento emocional con habilidad lírica para transmitir un mensaje complejo sobre autoafirmación, resistencia cultural y libertad personal. Con su estilo distintivo y narrativa penetrante, Sage Francis logra crear una obra maestra musical digna de apreciación y análisis minucioso.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

shes a fairy with broken wings
i used to watch her perform
and if she hears me i hope she sings songs
that had me going right back
couldnt find anyone in town to talk
bout how no one like that
should be confined to the ground we walk
She glides but just seems like she floats
and these folks decide to crush her wings until there permanently broke
she rides gusts of wind just by the way she spoke
she crys but loves to sing songs of freedom and hope
on the eastside hustling discussing things that we quote
in shallow conversation as if we have deep throats
we chokin on confusion
now show up as a heat stroke of we need coats
trading in our cheap jokes for her c notes
i see notes being passed
i ask to see what these creeps wrote
define silly kids and flying privelages revoke
ski slopes have been blocked off they cant transit
had weights tied to her ankles she most definitely cant skip
down, shes held down by the transripts my hands grip
tried to tie her wings back on before the ones again clip
panic stricken, shell remain stuck
on a titantic sinken, shes tryin to stay up
change her plan thinken its ok
see this is strange but
abraham lincoln freed the slaves in a way that kept them chained up
i'd like to see
her take flight into the stars
instead of letting her fly free they keep her in jars
instead of letting fly free they keep em in jars
i put my hand to the glass so hard
it might break the prison bars
it isnt hard to see why they keep her captive
shes naturally attractive
speaks with adlibs, shes uncommonly talented
aint enough adjectives to do her dispotion justice
kids are wishin for just a kiss and its a mission to touch her lipstick
cant trust her with
freedom of movement thats a chance to loose her quick
if she ups and splits
we might as well call that discussion quits
if we's to keep her down the government's underlinks
enslave people in this town especially if there cultures rich
exploiting talents making it do a bunch of tricks
with the rest of the wInglés-Englishs imports
repeatedly told you aint a ferry just a bitch
just a bitch, with a butt thats thick
so rub your tits, and thrust your hips
and suck my dick, and run your shit, and run your shit, and run your shit

shes a fairy with broken wings
i used to go watch her perform
and if she hears me i hope she sings songs
that had me going right back
couldnt find anyone in town to talk
bout how no one like that
should be confined to the ground
(verse two)
when i was down in new york she'd send me letters
and i read her passages about how i left it to the savages
no matter how sad it is i didnt cry
cause it was only a matter of time
before they figured me out and tried to strip my pride
i knew the scoop
wish you could of seen the blueprints in my eye
when i flew the coop
utilizing overground railroads in the sky
it was live or die let me let you in on the secret of mine
me and you are different girl
we dont even need wings to fly
We dont need wings to fly
me and we dont need wings to fly
keep on singing give it a try, give it a try
just keep on singing giveit a try, give it a try (5x)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.