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Climb trees de Sage Francis


Personal journals

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Climb trees

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La canción "Climb Trees" interpretada por Sage Francis, perteneciente al álbum "Personal Journals", se sitúa en el género de hip-hop underground. Publicada en el año 2002, esta pieza musical es reconocida como una de las favoritas entre los seguidores del artista y del movimiento underground en general.

La letra de la canción "Climb Trees" revela múltiples capas de significado y profundidad emocional. Desde el inicio, la descripción visual de un amanecer y atardecer como propio espectáculo lumínico personal refleja un sentido de introspección y conexión con el entorno natural. Esta metáfora cinematográfica tensa la humanidad frente a un paisaje siempre cambiante.

A lo largo de la canción, Sage Francis dibuja imágenes vívidas que desafían convenciones sociales y bromean con perspectivas alternativas. Desde menciones a edificios abandonados hasta alusiones a figuras históricas como Jim Crow, la narrativa se entrelaza con críticas sociales sutiles pero impactantes.

El tono desafiante e irreverente se mezcla con momentos más íntimos donde se exploran inseguridades personales y temores ocultos. La introspección del artista se convierte en un viaje emocional para el oyente, desafiando normas y expectativas mientras invita a profundizar en la complejidad humana.

La identidad autoral y visionaria de Sage Francis brilla a través de sus letras, marcadas por una poesía urbana que desafía los límites del género hip-hop. Su estilo único y su habilidad para combinar crítica social con reflexiones personales hacen de "Climb Trees" una joya artística digna de ser analizada detenidamente.

En comparación con otras obras del artista, esta canción destaca por su complejidad lírica y su capacidad para generar debate sobre temas polémicos. La influencia subterránea del hip-hop resuena en cada verso, creando un discurso provocativo e inspirador que desafía al oyente a repensar sus propias percepciones sobre la sociedad moderna.

Con referencias culturales y políticas entrelazadas hábilmente dentro de la letra, "Climb Trees" se convierte en un manifiesto poético que invita a la reflexión crítica sin perder su fuerza emocional. A través del lente único de Sage Francis, somos testigos de una visión creativa que trasciende las fronteras tradicionales del género musical.

En conclusión, "Climb Trees" es mucho más que una simple canción: es un testimonio apasionado del poder transformador de la música y las letras sutilmente incendiarias que desafían al status quo. Con Sage Francis como guía narrativo, nos sumergimos en un paisaje sonoro donde las palabras son armas poderosas cargadas con significado y emoción.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Sun set and sun rise i'm my own personal light show
flipping from basin bottoms to plateaus
the itself beneath me
i stand can't lagged state
itself around me, but i'm dead still
dead still
word is still will not stoop to the level of the stoop that y'all chill on
if the building's boarded up and the children of the corn
-er liquor store don't want to kick it no
because holes have filled the wall, sneakers are scuffed & toes have become sore
I saw y'all walk from the hood of tough luck
yeah, if these walls could talk they wouldn't shut the fuck up
Jump in your pick up truck. drive from the mountain range
cash the chips in on your shoulder, cut your losses, die young, count the change
how think these clouds look lovely?
smoke themselves above me
no below me enough to overlook
i know you read my every move, i wrote the book
Mind not the blemishes that are on my premise. endlessness is my "to be ;
notice the nervousness in my footnotes when being interviewed
shaking uncontrollably. "how you doing?" "not about you?"
brought it right back to me like "what've you been up to?"
I don't talk to freaks. i even ignore my neighbors who live down the stairs
i walk the streets. and they don't know that i'm famous in 2000 years
so i say shit loud in their ears and i spit a wretched verse in their
disrespecting their personal space
in a split second, curtains and drapes get closed
they think they've shut me out, but i can see their ugly mouth in the shape of "o"s
i'd break their windows with a stone that has a note attatched
that says "i hate jim crow, and here's a poem to let you know the haps:"
"i've got a golden axe and i chop cherry trees down
dead to this world. bury me ;
I am from a distant place that sits and waits for my belated time to come
but its too late i've missed my fate. i "f" with the deaf, blind and dumb
my father taught me one to fire a gun
i don't is survival for fun
I have become the most sinister sin city clicker
cynical dim witted trixter
critical shit grinning hipster
my me not to be fearful
be careful
not to make
show me your like to study shoe prints
You've stepped to me before i can recognize them stubby toes
i left them guys with bloody clothes. for a second knows
the pain i've seen. nobody knows the pain i've seen
nobody knows why i've got a bloody nose or how they made it bleed
climb out on a limb
to find about him
forget about are those psalms that you sing
what are those songs that are in your head
I am not here to make a change. i break chains
i break dance moves and move strange--
strange famous is infamous for inflammatory mission statements
living in basements with subterranean secret service agents
with little patience. a pediatrician who hate kids
women's lib is getting choked to death by their own baby bibs
baby, did you know i love women who hate mankind?
i talk about it all the damn it comin' huh
"iiiiiiiii hhhhaaaaaaaate meeeeeeeennnnn"
This conversation is mine. i own all the stock in boring small talk,
and i've trade marked this facial expression called the ";
so fuck off. i dis functions souped by ninjas and hockey fights
while discussion groups infringe upon my copyrights
all them bitches want me #39;ve been so great and respectful
they only get salty when i bend them into the shape of a pretzel
i make them flexible when i break their schedule. it only got
when i asked 'em politely not to fight me and to give
is easier than i thought it would be
they'll attend any party and not fight it as long as they're invited cordially
unfortunately, i've only got so many hundred openings
but talk to me, i want to take you all under my broken wings
Who's the right man for the job?
put up your hands y'all because i'm not tall enough to stand up to god
Who's the right woman? throw up one wave it now

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.