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For this moment only de Total Touch


Total touch

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de For this moment only

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La letra de la canción "For this moment only" de Total Touch es una expresión conmovedora sobre la fugacidad de la vida y la importancia de vivir cada instante como si fuera el último. La canción comienza reflexionando sobre cómo el tiempo pasa rápidamente, llevando al cantante a darse cuenta de lo efímera que es la existencia. A pesar de las intenciones y los planes que pueda tener, se preocupa por perder el tiempo, lo cual lo impulsa a buscar fuerza para enfrentar los desafíos que se presentan en su camino.

El tema central gira en torno a la presencia reconfortante de alguien especial en la vida del cantante. Pide al destinatario si estará presente en su futuro, creando juntos un hogar donde puedan disfrutar los momentos más felices. La canción revela una profunda conexión emocional entre dos personas, donde el cantante busca garantías de amor y apoyo incondicional.

A medida que avanza la canción, surge una sensación de urgencia y vulnerabilidad. El cantante menciona un momento crucial en el que necesitará consuelo y apoyo para levantarse después de haber llorado, resaltando la importancia de tener a alguien cercano en esos momentos difíciles.

Además, hay referencias al legado emocional que dejará atrás el cantante cuando ya no esté presente físicamente. Pide tranquilidad al saber que su ausencia no causará desesperanza, confiando en que esa persona especial sabrá cómo recordarlo y seguir adelante con su alma.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras del artista o datos adicionales sobre la canción, "For this moment only" destaca por sus letras emotivas y melódicas armonías vocales características del estilo R&B/pop del grupo Total Touch. Esta canción resonó profundamente con los oyentes debido a su mensaje universal sobre el amor, la pérdida y la conexión humana.

En resumen, "For this moment only" es una elegía apasionada sobre el paso del tiempo y la importancia de aprovechar cada instante junto a quienes amamos. A través de sus letras emotivas y melancólicas melodías, Total Touch logra transmitir un mensaje poderoso sobre la fragilidad de la vida y el valor del amor verdadero.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

For this moment only, I have come to realise
My life is passing by, I cry the world goodbye
Wakin' up the feeling, I will be strong,
I'm gonna fight,
Help with the healing, give me strenght to try
No I can not relate, to all my fears,
I'm not a volunteer, I'm forced to stand in line

Live, I want to give, the miracle that's mine
Inspite of intentions, I worry to waste time

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be for this moment only

Soon there comes the moment
That you'll try to dry my eyes
Silence is ruling time, I will then arise
When the pressure is beyond, the need to understand
Live's put a hold on me, I will no longer be

Please tell me now, is there a chance
My heart will beat again in all your memories
My whole world in your hands
My absence will not leave you in despair
I leave my soul with you, you will know what to do

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be, for this moment only

Will you pass down my , I want to give, the miracle that's mine
Inspite of intentions, I worry to waste time

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be for this moment only

Soon there comes the moment
That you'll try to dry my eyes
Silence is ruling time, I will then arise
When the pressure is beyond, the need to understand
Live's put a hold on me, I will no longer be

Please tell me now, is there a chance
My heart will beat again in all your memories
My whole world in your hands
My absence will not leave you in despair
I leave my soul with you, you will know what to do

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be, for this moment only

Will you pass down my you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be for this moment only

Soon there comes the moment
That you'll try to dry my eyes
Silence is ruling time, I will then arise
When the pressure is beyond, the need to understand
Live's put a hold on me, I will no longer be

Please tell me now, is there a chance
My heart will beat again in all your memories
My whole world in your hands
My absence will not leave you in despair
I leave my soul with you, you will know what to do

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be, for this moment only

Will you pass down my there comes the moment
That you'll try to dry my eyes
Silence is ruling time, I will then arise
When the pressure is beyond, the need to understand
Live's put a hold on me, I will no longer be

Please tell me now, is there a chance
My heart will beat again in all your memories
My whole world in your hands
My absence will not leave you in despair
I leave my soul with you, you will know what to do

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be, for this moment only

Will you pass down my tell me now, is there a chance
My heart will beat again in all your memories
My whole world in your hands
My absence will not leave you in despair
I leave my soul with you, you will know what to do

Will you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be, for this moment only

Will you pass down my you be there, for the rest of my time
Make me a home there when I'm flying high
Will you stay there and let your heart follow mine
Come here and hold me
Together we'll be, for this moment only

Will you pass down my you pass down my

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.