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This way de Total Touch


This way

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de This way

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La canción "This Way" interpretada por Total Touch es una pieza que invita a la reflexión y al autoconocimiento. En ella, se menciona el proceso de caminar por el valle de uno mismo, conectarse con la fuente de vida y descubrir los objetivos ocultos que se tienen en mente. La letra enfatiza la importancia de buscar dentro de uno mismo, liberar espíritus y ser auténtico para alcanzar la sabiduría y seguir adelante en el camino que debemos recorrer.

El coro repite varias veces: "This way, this way, come what may - we must go this way", lo que indica una determinación firme en seguir adelante sin importar las circunstancias. La canción aborda también temas como la presión de la sociedad y cómo cada individuo es único, destacando la necesidad de respetarse mutuamente.

En cuanto a su significado más profundo, podría interpretarse como un llamado a mantenerse fiel a uno mismo, a no perderse en las exigencias del mundo exterior y a buscar la verdadera esencia interna que nos guiará hacia nuestros propios objetivos personales. La idea de respeto hacia uno mismo y hacia los demás también se hace presente como un pilar fundamental para mantenerse en el camino correcto.

Desde una perspectiva comparativa con otras canciones del grupo o artistas similares, podríamos relacionar esta canción con temas que abordan el crecimiento personal, la autonomía emocional y el valor de ser auténtico en un mundo lleno de influencias externas.

En cuanto a datos adicionales sobre la canción "This Way", es interesante destacar que Total Touch es un grupo musical neerlandés conocido por fusionar diferentes estilos musicales como pop, R&B y soul. Su álbum del mismo nombre generó gran éxito en los Países Bajos y otros países europeos.

En resumen, "This Way" es una canción que invita al oyente a reflexionar sobre su propio camino en la vida, recordándole la importancia de buscar dentro de sí mismo, mantenerse auténtico e ir tras sus metas personales con determinación. Con mensajes positivos y empoderadores, esta canción brinda una guía para navegar por los desafíos diarios manteniendo la integridad personal.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

"Train-cha", Friday, February the fifth
the sun is shinin'
as I walk through the valley of Self
Through introspection I find my spiritual being
and discover the road I must follow
and that's what this song's all about


This way, this way
Come what may - we must go this way
This way, this way, this way

What about the daily grind?
The things that life will put us through?
People are conforming to
the pressures of society

Take into consideration
not ev'ryone can be the same
There is no sense in fixin' blame
respect should be the main aim


You gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay


This way, this way
Come what may - we must go this way
This way, this way, this way

What about the daily grind?
The things that life will put us through?
People are conforming to
the pressures of society

Take into consideration
not ev'ryone can be the same
There is no sense in fixin' blame
respect should be the main aim


You gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay

REPEAT CHORUSThis way, this way
Come what may - we must go this way
This way, this way, this way

What about the daily grind?
The things that life will put us through?
People are conforming to
the pressures of society

Take into consideration
not ev'ryone can be the same
There is no sense in fixin' blame
respect should be the main aim


You gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay

REPEAT CHORUSWhat about the daily grind?
The things that life will put us through?
People are conforming to
the pressures of society

Take into consideration
not ev'ryone can be the same
There is no sense in fixin' blame
respect should be the main aim


You gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay

REPEAT CHORUSTake into consideration
not ev'ryone can be the same
There is no sense in fixin' blame
respect should be the main aim


You gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay


You gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay

REPEAT CHORUSYou gotta search within your soul
connect up with the source of life
And then for sure you'll find the hidden goals
You had in mind
This offers oppertunity
to get to know your inner needs
You've gotta set you spirits free
and be who you wanna be


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay


You've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay

REPEAT CHORUSYou've gotta know for what you know
just let your intuition flow
Be proud of what you are
and you'll go far
Wisdom paves the way
we must follow - come what may
On this road we must stay


Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.