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Chasing forever de Will Smith


Big willie style

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Chasing forever

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La canción "Chasing Forever" interpretada por Will Smith y presente en su álbum "Big Willie Style", es un himno al amor eterno y a la búsqueda de una vida compartida para siempre. A lo largo de la letra, Will Smith presenta un retrato detallado de su relación con su pareja, destacando momentos íntimos y reflexionando sobre el futuro juntos.

En la primera parte de la canción, Smith describe las mañanas con su amada, enfatizando su crecimiento juntos a lo largo de los años. Utiliza metáforas como "Sunshine peekin through the venitian blinds" para transmitir la sensación de calidez y felicidad que siente a su lado. Además, cuestiona si todos los lujos materiales realmente importan cuando la verdadera riqueza está en tenerse mutuamente. La canción se convierte en un diálogo interno donde el artista reflexiona sobre el significado del amor duradero.

A medida que avanza la canción, Will Smith profundiza en la idea de perseguir un futuro junto a su pareja, enfrentando desafíos y celebrando los buenos momentos. Expresa su compromiso con el crecimiento personal y la madurez emocional para mantener viva la llama del amor a lo largo del tiempo. La figura materna juega un papel importante en sus reflexiones, ya que menciona lecciones aprendidas sobre confianza en el amor y fidelidad.

En términos musicales, la canción combina elementos característicos del hip hop y R&B, fusionando ritmos pegajosos con letras románticas y sinceras. La voz distintiva de Will Smith aporta una capa adicional de autenticidad y calidez a la interpretación.

En cuanto al contexto artístico, Will Smith es conocido por sus habilidades tanto como actor como cantante. Esta canción muestra una faceta más íntima y personal del artista, alejándose de sus éxitos más comerciales para explorar temas universales como el amor duradero y las relaciones significativas.

En resumen, "Chasing Forever" es una oda al compromiso emocional y a la búsqueda constante de conexiones significativas en un mundo cambiante. Con letras emotivas y una melodía contagiosa, Will Smith captura la esencia atemporal del amor verdadero y nos invita a contemplar nuestras propias relaciones en este viaje hacia el infinito juntos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(Will Smith)
Early mornin' wake up
Gently with the Caress on your hand
And that Kimono that I bought you on my trip to Japan
Sunshine peekin through the venitian blinds
Four years, and like wine, you got finer with time
I got a question, if the prodda dressin and the Gucci
All got goes, and the freeze on the Lucci
I mean real bad girl, I'm talking rougher than rough
Do you think it'd be enough if we just had us?
Don't answer quick, think about it cause I'm askin for real
Golddiggers goin' to hear this song drivin and crash at the wheel
Forever is a long time, so far we gettin along fine
No car I ever drove, no ice I ever saw
No music I ever made, ain't nothin I wanted more
We could deal with whatever together
Sunshine, all that other weather, when we chasin forever
I wanna stay with you forever
I wanna spend all my life with only you
I wanna stay, lets stay together
Chasing forever, with only you

(Will Smith)
Chasin forever, a buckwild, endeavorous scene
Should we pursue with somethin real or just chasin a dream
Or casin' the scene
Fore I die I plan
To see your soul and eternity in the palm of my hands
Now as a man, there's certain things I'm lackin for sure
But I'm committed to growin and coming at you mature
In the future, I know it ain't gonna be all good
But when we feelin the hurt, if we willin to work
The eight ball will never turn to see us behind
Though I ain't no knight, and my armor don't shine
My mom said the lynch pin of love is trust
An taught me monogomy is uh, monogamous
Plus, for you dinner by candlelight
Now don't commit before you sure you understand me right
It's a race to a strange place, most see never
It's a chase we gotta make together, forever

(Will Smith)
Now you would think after all my heartbreaks I'd be cruel
Hiding behind my ego, evil but no
Much the contrary, I'm very much certain
You searchin for joy, it's on the other side of hurtin
Finally found a person, worthy of all
Instead of pushin me down, you wanna cushion my fall
Your eyes could make the sun rise, all the birds sing
Seal it with a kiss, bind it with a ring
More carrats than even bugs could eat in a week
An the ribbon in the sky, close your eyes don't peek
I'll tell you what I see in the future
A hacienda so cute with, five little kids callin you mom and callin me dad
Havin more good times than JJ had
Judging by the look in your eyes, you see it
Let no man sever, welcome to forever to fade
I wanna stay with you forever
I wanna spend all my life with only you
I wanna stay, lets stay together
Chasing forever, with only you

(Will Smith)
Chasin forever, a buckwild, endeavorous scene
Should we pursue with somethin real or just chasin a dream
Or casin' the scene
Fore I die I plan
To see your soul and eternity in the palm of my hands
Now as a man, there's certain things I'm lackin for sure
But I'm committed to growin and coming at you mature
In the future, I know it ain't gonna be all good
But when we feelin the hurt, if we willin to work
The eight ball will never turn to see us behind
Though I ain't no knight, and my armor don't shine
My mom said the lynch pin of love is trust
An taught me monogomy is uh, monogamous
Plus, for you dinner by candlelight
Now don't commit before you sure you understand me right
It's a race to a strange place, most see never
It's a chase we gotta make together, forever

(Will Smith)
Now you would think after all my heartbreaks I'd be cruel
Hiding behind my ego, evil but no
Much the contrary, I'm very much certain
You searchin for joy, it's on the other side of hurtin
Finally found a person, worthy of all
Instead of pushin me down, you wanna cushion my fall
Your eyes could make the sun rise, all the birds sing
Seal it with a kiss, bind it with a ring
More carrats than even bugs could eat in a week
An the ribbon in the sky, close your eyes don't peek
I'll tell you what I see in the future
A hacienda so cute with, five little kids callin you mom and callin me dad
Havin more good times than JJ had
Judging by the look in your eyes, you see it
Let no man sever, welcome to forever to fade

(Will Smith)
Now you would think after all my heartbreaks I'd be cruel
Hiding behind my ego, evil but no
Much the contrary, I'm very much certain
You searchin for joy, it's on the other side of hurtin
Finally found a person, worthy of all
Instead of pushin me down, you wanna cushion my fall
Your eyes could make the sun rise, all the birds sing
Seal it with a kiss, bind it with a ring
More carrats than even bugs could eat in a week
An the ribbon in the sky, close your eyes don't peek
I'll tell you what I see in the future
A hacienda so cute with, five little kids callin you mom and callin me dad
Havin more good times than JJ had
Judging by the look in your eyes, you see it
Let no man sever, welcome to forever to fade to fade

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.