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Code red de Will Smith


Code red (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Code red

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La canción "Code Red" interpretada por Will Smith, nos sumerge en una historia trepidante que narra un incidente emocionalmente cargado. La letra relata la situación de un hombre que se encuentra disfrutando de una agradable noche en compañía de otra mujer, ignorando por completo la presencia de su novia. El tono desenfadado y humorístico del narrador nos sumerge en un escenario donde el engaño y la intriga se entrelazan.

El protagonista describe con lujo de detalles su cita romántica con Kay-Bee, destacando los momentos de complicidad y diversión que comparte con ella. Sin embargo, la tensión se incrementa cuando inesperadamente su novia entra al restaurante y lo descubre en pleno acto. A partir de ese momento, el caos se apodera de él y desarrolla una serie de intentos desesperados por evitar ser descubierto. La acelerada narrativa nos sumerge en situaciones cómicas mientras el personaje principal lucha por mantenerse a salvo.

En términos simbólicos, podemos interpretar la canción como una representación humorística de las consecuencias del engaño y la falta de honestidad en una relación amorosa. El protagonista se ve atrapado en un complejo laberinto de mentiras y trampas mientras intenta escapar sin ser descubierto. La metáfora del "code red" refleja la urgencia extrema del momento, creando un ambiente tenso pero lleno de giros inesperados.

A nivel emocional, la canción invita a reflexionar sobre las consecuencias potencialmente devastadoras que pueden surgir cuando se traiciona la confianza y se juega con los sentimientos de otras personas. A través del humor y la exageración, Will Smith logra transmitir un mensaje profundo sobre la importancia del respeto y la sinceridad en las relaciones interpersonales.

En cuanto al contexto artístico, "Code Red" destaca por su estilo único dentro del repertorio musical de Will Smith. Aunque es conocido principalmente por su faceta como actor en Hollywood, el artista demuestra su versatilidad al incursionar en géneros musicales distintos. Esta canción presenta ritmos pegajosos y letras ingeniosas que permiten al oyente sumergirse en una historia divertida pero cargada de significado.

En resumen, "Code Red" es mucho más que una simple anécdota humorística sobre un encuentro amoroso complicado. A través de sus letras ingeniosas y ritmos contagiosos, Will Smith logra transmitir mensajes profundos sobre la importancia del respeto mutuo y la honestidad en las relaciones humanas. La canción invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias acciones y decisiones, recordándonos que cada elección tiene consecuencias tanto para nosotros como para quienes nos rodean.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Here's a little story 'bout a Friday night,
buckwild, 'cause yo, that's kind of my style,
check it,
on the town with a girl named Kay-Bee,
and a bow-wow-wow yippie-yo yippie any way,
I was straight out illin',
why do I say so? 'casue yo, my girl was home chillin,
fancy resteraunt me and Kay frontin,
it was called , , somethin,
I was ready to attack her, unh,
giving the sex look like Dracula,
a little bit of soft music playin,
and Don Perrier, it was on, know what I'm sayin,
every thing was lovely, but then,
what the damn, my girlfriend walked in,
oh my goodness, danger, trouble, dread,
oh I'm dead, mayday code red
my oh my, what am I to do?
gotta get away, cause my girlfriend's coming through,
um Jay, I gotta, um, well, see, there's well, this, um, exscuse me,
to the back with the mucho-quickness,
my girl's gonna kill me and leave no witnesses,
I'm in the bathroom hiding like a punk,
but there's bars on the windows, I can't jump,
exit stage left, quickly plan B,
gotta find a way that my girl won't see me,
crawling on the floor, I'm feeling sick,
like this some old Charlie Chaplin flick,
?? pound and a round a mile-a-minute,
this time I really done did it,
down on my hands and knees on the floor,
I'm looking at the front door,
ready, set, make the dash,
her back is turned, maybe I can get past,
I almost made it, but then, damn, she turned her head,
code red
break it on down
all was perfect, the ship was sailing,
but now it's sinking, so yo, I'm bailin',
I kept on runnin' even though she saw me,
and I sat and waited at home for baby to call me,
I watched a little TV,
phone started ringing 'bout 12:23,
I picked it up real slow, and said,
she wasn't having it, she snapped, went bezerk,
girl made my head hurt,
I tried to be as cool as I could be,
I said hey, wadn't me,
she wasn't having that melody,
needless to say, she left me,
another brother just couldn't control his head, (the other one)
code red
my oh my, what am I to do?
gotta get away, cause my girlfriend's coming through,
um Jay, I gotta, um, well, see, there's well, this, um, exscuse me,
to the back with the mucho-quickness,
my girl's gonna kill me and leave no witnesses,
I'm in the bathroom hiding like a punk,
but there's bars on the windows, I can't jump,
exit stage left, quickly plan B,
gotta find a way that my girl won't see me,
crawling on the floor, I'm feeling sick,
like this some old Charlie Chaplin flick,
?? pound and a round a mile-a-minute,
this time I really done did it,
down on my hands and knees on the floor,
I'm looking at the front door,
ready, set, make the dash,
her back is turned, maybe I can get past,
I almost made it, but then, damn, she turned her head,
code red
break it on down
all was perfect, the ship was sailing,
but now it's sinking, so yo, I'm bailin',
I kept on runnin' even though she saw me,
and I sat and waited at home for baby to call me,
I watched a little TV,
phone started ringing 'bout 12:23,
I picked it up real slow, and said,
she wasn't having it, she snapped, went bezerk,
girl made my head hurt,
I tried to be as cool as I could be,
I said hey, wadn't me,
she wasn't having that melody,
needless to say, she left me,
another brother just couldn't control his head, (the other one)
code red
all was perfect, the ship was sailing,
but now it's sinking, so yo, I'm bailin',
I kept on runnin' even though she saw me,
and I sat and waited at home for baby to call me,
I watched a little TV,
phone started ringing 'bout 12:23,
I picked it up real slow, and said,
she wasn't having it, she snapped, went bezerk,
girl made my head hurt,
I tried to be as cool as I could be,
I said hey, wadn't me,
she wasn't having that melody,
needless to say, she left me,
another brother just couldn't control his head, (the other one)
code red

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.