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Don't say nothin' de Will Smith


Big willie style

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Don't say nothin'

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La canción "Don't Say Nothin'" interpretada por Will Smith, perteneciente a su álbum "Big Willie Style", es un tema que muestra una faceta segura y arrogante de sí mismo. A través de las letras, Will Smith resalta sus logros en la industria musical y cinematográfica, desafiando a aquellos que lo subestimaron en sus inicios. La declaración inicial sobre su primer sencillo en 1986 refleja cómo las críticas negativas solo lo impulsaron a alcanzar mayores metas.

El mensaje principal de la canción gira en torno a no decir nada si no se tiene nada bueno que decir. Will Smith enfoca su atención en destacar sus éxitos, desde premios Grammy hasta futuras nominaciones al Óscar, mientras deja claro que sigue siendo fiel a sus raíces en West Philly. Su transición del rap al mundo de la actuación también es un tema recurrente, y destaca cómo ha sido capaz de diversificarse y multiplicar su riqueza.

Con referencias humorísticas como chillin' with Jada in Barbados y charlas con Oprah, Will Smith se presenta como una figura carismática y exitosa que disfruta de los lujos ganados con esfuerzo. La narración detalla su vida cotidiana, desde preferencias culinarias hasta interacciones con fans emocionados en distintas partes del mundo.

La canción también aborda el tema de la fama y el reconocimiento mundial, con menciones de aficionados buscando autógrafos y fotos. En medio de toda esta atención pública, Will Smith mantiene una actitud positiva y confiada, rechazando cualquier crítica o negatividad lanzada hacia él.

El tono general de la canción es altivo pero desenfadado, mostrando la personalidad extrovertida y perseverante del artista. A lo largo de la letra, Will Smith utiliza un estilo lírico fluido y pegadizo que se adapta al ritmo hip hop y rap característico de su música.

En comparación con otras canciones del repertorio de Will Smith o incluso con otros artistas del género rap/hip hop, "Don't Say Nothin'" destaca por su atmósfera optimista y reflexiva sobre el éxito alcanzado a pesar de las adversidades previas. En lugar de caer en confrontaciones o respuestas agresivas ante las críticas recibidas, el artista opta por elevarse por encima del ruido sin alimentar conflictos innecesarios.

En resumen, "Don't Say Nothin'" es una canción que celebra el triunfo personal, el crecimiento artístico y la autoafirmación positiva frente a los detractores. Con una mezcla única de humor e introspección musicalmente envolvente dentro del género rap/hip hop, Will Smith demuestra por qué sigue siendo una figura relevante en la escena musical internacional.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

when I released my first single back in like '86
people was like oh you know that's popcorn and you know they weak
you know then I mess around I go world trade on them
bangin' out them multi-plastic still got negativity to bring
my thing is you can't say nothing nice don't say nothing
take your place allow me to flex a taste
as my accomplishments bring up my comp like mase
face me the star of stage and TV
my face be seen in almost every country
grammy winner soon to be oscar nominee
who he that's dressed jiggy straight from west Philly
thought I was whack 'cause I wanted to act
now every brother and his mother that rap be trying to do that
the ill kid
hundred million dollar bill kid
the one you love to chill with come on keep it real kid
don't try to act like this summer at the greek
you won't be bumpin' the big Willie in your jeep
I know y'all still feel me
really don't act silly
thought I feel off just becuase I left Philly
took a break from the rap thing went on hiatus
I picked up the art of acting and multiplied papers
I chilled on silk sofas chatting with Operah
she asked me if it's true that me and Jeff broke up
while y'all kids busy playing drug pimp and playa
I was at my crib in Barbados chillin' with Jada
vertex is me the magnanamous
god you sayin' damn I've always been a fan of his
y'all know how it is oh wait hold up y'all don't
look here y'all don't say nothing than I won't
just don't say nothing
man I love being me ready to rock the block
with some more hot top notch ---- for you to cop
no more mr. nice guy
my whole life I've been smiling when I felt like whiling
jealousy swinging on me made his attack
(he soft he whack man that ain't real rap)
you beleive that
it hurt me at first but it's cool
took the insults feed it to my ego for fuel
now everywhere I turn a dead end
hundred women coming at me waving pads and pens
and they be screaming out
(oh my lord)
did you see it's that brother from
now can I please get
(a picture and your signature)
sure you can miss
(oh my god my girlfriends they ain't gonna beleive this)
worldwide wait nah hold up galactic
hear my name don't nothing change but the accent
Bangok to Madagascar they wanna see me
prince epe in Spain Japan I'm cota eshe
I like my steaks thick and my jets private
and my son to ride in the cockpit
I know he's only four taking lessons from the pilot
while I'm on my cell with my broker getting stock tips
find a magazine and I read the hottest gossip
man who'd a thought my life would be such an interesting topic
well y'all know how it is wait hold up y'all don't
well look here y'all don't say nothing than I won't

just don't say nothing
just don't say nothing
just don't say nothing
just don't say nothing

go ahead adjust the balance and the bass in your speakers
make sure my voice sounding crisp in your tweeters
I'm about to show you how a man like me works
shorty get ice five carrots and nothing cheaper
four five chromed out former two seater
fifty inch sony to watch Siskel and Ebert
cause I'm about to get two thumbs ten toes one knee and probobly a couple
of elbows
cause yo I'm the man and the whole world knows
rock film fests to vos and rap shows
all the critics jealous people and back-stabbers
my so-called friends who been nothing but actors
you're way of carachter but now who's the bomb
it's Will from west Phil just slightly transformed
y'all know what it is
ah damn that's right y'all don't
but look here y'all don't say nothing then trust me I won't

just don't say nothing
just don't say nothing
just don't say nothing
just don't say nothing

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.