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I loved you de Will Smith


Big willie style

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de I loved you

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La canción "I Loved You" interpretada por Will Smith, del álbum "Big Willie Style", es una pieza musical que encierra un profundo significado emocional en sus letras. En la canción, el narrador expresa la sensación de traición y dolor causada por la infidelidad de su pareja. A través de metáforas y descripciones detalladas, el cantante revela cómo se sintió engañado y herido al descubrir las mentiras y secretos que su pareja le ocultaba.

En la letra, se menciona cómo el narrador creía haber encontrado a la persona indicada, solo para descubrir que esta había estado engañándolo con otra persona. La sensación de incredulidad y decepción se refleja en versos como "sneakin' out on the weekends with Michelle" o "desease that I sold I can't beleive you so deceivin'". La intensidad del sentimiento de traición se hace evidente cuando Will Smith canta sobre el dolor de ver su corazón roto y sentirse abandonado.

El narrador muestra su vulnerabilidad al admitir que entregó toda su mente y alma a esa relación, solo para ser traicionado. Expresa su deseo de construir un futuro juntos, convertir una casa en un hogar y formar una familia. Sin embargo, todo eso se ve frustrado por las acciones desleales de su pareja, lo que lo lleva a cuestionarse qué tipo de amor estaba recibiendo.

A medida que avanza la canción, se puede sentir la lucha interna del personaje entre mantener su cordura frente a la situación y recordar los momentos felices compartidos en el pasado. Las imágenes evocadoras de largos paseos en otoño, velas encendidas y gestos cariñosos contrastan con la cruda realidad de la infidelidad y el engaño.

En términos musicales, "I Loved You" combina diferentes géneros como pop, rock, rap, hip-hop y R&B para crear una melodía vibrante que acompaña las emotivas letras. Will Smith logra transmitir no solo el dolor por una ruptura amorosa, sino también la fuerza necesaria para enfrentarla y seguir adelante.

Comparativamente con otras canciones del artista Will Smith, esta canción se destaca por su sinceridad emotiva y profundidad lírica. Aunque es conocido principalmente por sus éxitos comerciales más alegres y bailables, "I Loved You" muestra un lado más vulnerable del artista.

En resumen, "I Loved You" es una canción cargada de emociones genuinas sobre el amor perdido y la desilusión causada por la traición. A través de sus letras introspectivas e impactantes melodías, Will Smith logra conectarse con los oyentes en un nivel emocional profundo e invita a reflexionar sobre las complejidades del amor y las relaciones humanas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I thought you was the one hon yeah
when I met you at the freaknin'
whoever thought you'd be the type to greet and keep secrets
my friends said don't sleep but I did so now I'm reapin'
desease that I sold I can't beleive you so deceivin'
sneakin' out on the weekends with Michelle
one of your freak friends from the east end she bad as hell
half black and Indonesian the one that tought you treason
cupid shoot me on my heart but damn why'd you leave it bleedin'
I gave you no reason to lie
but you choose to live untrue
knowing how I feel inside
there's no telling what I might do
cause I gave you
all my mind
all my soul
from the very start
I gave you full control and you broke my heart
I tried to show you a better way of life
but I see that must be what you like
I loved you more than anything
I tried to build the future turn a house into a home
I wanted us to be one flesh and one bone
it's so hard to keep my sanity
now I can do is sit back and reminisce
look at the pictures in the frames yo
why you playin' games yo
as I think back to the begining we was together
we both loved sports long walks and autumn weather
both wanted kids and a family a strong personality
I liked the way you handled me
candles be lit mood set food set you ready yet
that's what you said while you was massagin' my ??
now look here I could never leave you lonely
cause the love you showed me had me feeling like you already had known me
'member when you used to blindfold me till I don't see
use your mind that's what you told me
kissin' me slowly
never was the loud type always on the low key
pretty style but rugged
damn I brother I loved the
the birds of a feather 'sposed to fly together
guess that don't apply to birds of your kind
cuase you only wanted what you wanted like a poacher
came to steal my heart and leave me to die
(I ain't going out like that though)

all my mind
all my soul
from the very start
I gave you full control and you broke my heart
I tried to show you a better way of life
but I see that must be what you like
I loved you more than anything
I tried to build the future turn a house into a home
I wanted us to be one flesh and one bone
it's so hard to keep my sanity
now I can do is sit back and reminisce
look at the pictures in the frames yo
why you playin' games yo
as I think back to the begining we was together
we both loved sports long walks and autumn weather
both wanted kids and a family a strong personality
I liked the way you handled me
candles be lit mood set food set you ready yet
that's what you said while you was massagin' my ??
now look here I could never leave you lonely
cause the love you showed me had me feeling like you already had known me
'member when you used to blindfold me till I don't see
use your mind that's what you told me
kissin' me slowly
never was the loud type always on the low key
pretty style but rugged
damn I brother I loved the
the birds of a feather 'sposed to fly together
guess that don't apply to birds of your kind
cuase you only wanted what you wanted like a poacher
came to steal my heart and leave me to die
(I ain't going out like that though)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.