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It's all good de Will Smith


Big willie style

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de It's all good

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La canción "It's all good" es interpretada por Will Smith, incluida en su álbum "Big Willie Style". Este tema se enmarca dentro del género del rap y el hip-hop, característico de la música del artista. La canción fue lanzada en el año 1997 y forma parte de una etapa exitosa en la carrera musical de Smith.

La letra de la canción refleja un mensaje positivo y optimista sobre la vida. Desde un tono alegre y jovial, Smith celebra los momentos buenos que experimenta, haciendo hincapié en lo afortunado que se siente. Describe su existencia como una vida sin preocupaciones, llena de amor y vivencias satisfactorias. A través de metáforas y rimas ingeniosas, expresa gratitud por su situación actual.

En la primera estrofa, Smith menciona los momentos de felicidad que vive a diario y destaca la importancia de disfrutar cada instante. También hace referencia a su rol como padre y cómo le colma de alegría la presencia de su hijo cuando regresa a casa después de una gira. Es claro que para él, la familia es un pilar fundamental en su felicidad.

Al seguir con el análisis, podemos ver cómo describe su vida actual como muy favorable, resaltando su éxito profesional y personal. Hace alusión a los desafíos superados y al apoyo constante recibido por parte de sus seres queridos. La letra demuestra un sentido de realización y gratitud por todo lo alcanzado hasta el momento.

A lo largo de la canción, se puede percibir una actitud segura y confiada por parte del artista respecto a las decisiones que ha tomado en su vida. Su tono cocky pero sincero refleja una autoconfianza sólida respaldada tanto por su éxito económico como por el apoyo emocional que recibe.

En cuanto al ritmo y sonoridad del tema, se pueden identificar elementos típicos del rap mezclados con un toque melódico característico del estilo musical propio de Will Smith. La producción musical brinda energía al mensaje positivo que transmite la letra.

Comparándola con otras obras del artista, encontramos similitudes temáticas centradas en la celebración de logros personales e introspección emocional. Esta canción resalta por su mensaje esperanzador y motivador hacia el oyente.

En resumen, "It's all good" es una canción vigorizante que contagia optimismo y gratitud por las bendiciones recibidas en la vida. Con letras sinceras e inspiradoras, invita a valorar los momentos felices vividos hasta ahora e ilustra cómo la perseverancia lleva a alcanzar metas significativas tanto profesional como personalmente.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

It's all good, pop the bubbly, life is lovely
All sun no rain
No strain, can't complain
Pass Hell pain, but no Coumbaya
Now I Boomshaka-laka-laka Boo-ah-ah
I got the good life, no strife, real nice
An I'm a papa my son Trey haha
An when I'm on tour, he be mad I'm gone
But then he smile an come runnin screamin "daddy's home"
Then he hold me, slightly tightly
Mom, your wish came true-I got one just like me
My life be so good, so good
Ka-chicka-chicka Ka-chicka-chicka-good
Things come to those who wait
But too late my life's to great to wait
I wanna, celebrate good times, c'mon

Livin lovin, lovin livin, it's all good
I'm lovin livin, it's all good
Livin lovin, lovin livin, it's all good
I'm lovin livin, it's all good
Livin lovin, lovin livin, it's all good
I'm lovin livin, it's all good
Livin lovin, lovin livin, it's all good
I'm lovin livin, it's all good
I wake up every morning in the canopy bed
Slip a kiss to the Miss, you the man she says
Mirror, mirror, need I call?
You know, uno, bad breath an all
Times I been fed up, still didn't let up
'Stead a doin dirt, did work and kept my head up
Set up
For the future, much love to my girl
North Pole got my butt cold (sittin on top of the world)
An I'm feelin (so high)
Touch the ceiling (the sky)
You say I smile cause I'm on top of the pie
But yo, the cream can only finance the smile for a little while
My grin got longevity, got family backin me
That's why I'm livin happily
Ever after, love and laughter
Hussle cause I wants to, not cause I have to
Ask yourself, who made the polar caps melt?
FP, the phenomenon, true Don Juan, Jon Blaze
The Fonz ain't seen my Happy Days
The track plays, I'm in the shades, singin a phrase
They say the clothes don't make the man
Take my hand
Watch me freak this
Ah-mommy's tryin ta creep this
Tryin to entice me to let it off
But nah, (why not?) c'mon baby, you saw Set It Off
Proposition by trio, in Rio
Menage Trois, down at the Marde Gras
But nah, my clothes by Versace
My attitude cocky, the sym- it's Imanyaki
Like a felon, no tellin what I do next
I don't front cause I'm paid, but I do flex
Southwestern, crib like a villa
Vacation on a mountain in Manilla
Rhyme spilla, real thrilla
An it's real clear
Y'all talkin East and West, I'm talkin hemispheres
My papa raised no fool
So many zeros on my check it's like, oooooooooooohh

Chorus to
I wake up every morning in the canopy bed
Slip a kiss to the Miss, you the man she says
Mirror, mirror, need I call?
You know, uno, bad breath an all
Times I been fed up, still didn't let up
'Stead a doin dirt, did work and kept my head up
Set up
For the future, much love to my girl
North Pole got my butt cold (sittin on top of the world)
An I'm feelin (so high)
Touch the ceiling (the sky)
You say I smile cause I'm on top of the pie
But yo, the cream can only finance the smile for a little while
My grin got longevity, got family backin me
That's why I'm livin happily
Ever after, love and laughter
Hussle cause I wants to, not cause I have to
Ask yourself, who made the polar caps melt?
FP, the phenomenon, true Don Juan, Jon Blaze
The Fonz ain't seen my Happy Days
The track plays, I'm in the shades, singin a phrase
They say the clothes don't make the man
Take my hand
Watch me freak this
Ah-mommy's tryin ta creep this
Tryin to entice me to let it off
But nah, (why not?) c'mon baby, you saw Set It Off
Proposition by trio, in Rio
Menage Trois, down at the Marde Gras
But nah, my clothes by Versace
My attitude cocky, the sym- it's Imanyaki
Like a felon, no tellin what I do next
I don't front cause I'm paid, but I do flex
Southwestern, crib like a villa
Vacation on a mountain in Manilla
Rhyme spilla, real thrilla
An it's real clear
Y'all talkin East and West, I'm talkin hemispheres
My papa raised no fool
So many zeros on my check it's like, oooooooooooohh

Chorus to
They say the clothes don't make the man
Take my hand
Watch me freak this
Ah-mommy's tryin ta creep this
Tryin to entice me to let it off
But nah, (why not?) c'mon baby, you saw Set It Off
Proposition by trio, in Rio
Menage Trois, down at the Marde Gras
But nah, my clothes by Versace
My attitude cocky, the sym- it's Imanyaki
Like a felon, no tellin what I do next
I don't front cause I'm paid, but I do flex
Southwestern, crib like a villa
Vacation on a mountain in Manilla
Rhyme spilla, real thrilla
An it's real clear
Y'all talkin East and West, I'm talkin hemispheres
My papa raised no fool
So many zeros on my check it's like, oooooooooooohh

Chorus to
They say the clothes don't make the man
Take my hand
Watch me freak this
Ah-mommy's tryin ta creep this
Tryin to entice me to let it off
But nah, (why not?) c'mon baby, you saw Set It Off
Proposition by trio, in Rio
Menage Trois, down at the Marde Gras
But nah, my clothes by Versace
My attitude cocky, the sym- it's Imanyaki
Like a felon, no tellin what I do next
I don't front cause I'm paid, but I do flex
Southwestern, crib like a villa
Vacation on a mountain in Manilla
Rhyme spilla, real thrilla
An it's real clear
Y'all talkin East and West, I'm talkin hemispheres
My papa raised no fool
So many zeros on my check it's like, oooooooooooohh

Chorus to

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.