Dice la canción

Just the two of us de Will Smith


Big willie style

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Just the two of us

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La canción "Just the two of us" es interpretada por el artista y cantante Will Smith, conocido no solo por su carrera en la música, sino también por sus actuaciones en películas. Esta canción forma parte de su álbum "Big Willie Style", lanzado en los años 90, y pertenece a los géneros de hip-hop, rap, R&B y pop.

En cuanto al significado de la letra de esta canción, se puede apreciar que es una oda al amor paterno filial. Will Smith presenta un retrato emotivo de su relación con su hijo desde el momento en que nació. Desde los detalles más simples como instalar el asiento del automóvil hasta las reflexiones más profundas sobre ser un buen padre, la canción destaca los momentos especiales entre ellos dos. Las letras están llenas de promesas de amor incondicional, guía paternal y apoyo constante a lo largo de la vida.

La canción refleja momentos cotidianos entre padre e hijo, desde las alegrías hasta las frustraciones comunes a todas las familias. A través de metáforas lúdicas y recuerdos entrañables, Smith expresa su admiración por su hijo y reafirma su compromiso inquebrantable con él. Además, aborda temas más profundos como los desafíos que enfrentará el niño a medida que crece y la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo incluso cuando las situaciones sean difíciles.

En términos históricos, esta canción resuena con muchas personas alrededor del mundo debido a su temática universal sobre el amor familiar. La sinceridad con la que Will Smith canta sobre sus experiencias personales le otorga autenticidad a la letra y hace que sea fácil para cualquier oyente conectar con ella.

Comparativamente, esta canción se destaca dentro del repertorio del artista por su contenido emocionalmente cargado y vulnerable. Mientras que otros temas pueden enfocarse en elementos más festivos o comerciales, "Just the two of us" muestra una faceta más íntima y personal de Will Smith como padre.

En resumen, "Just the two of us" es una hermosa balada dedicada al vínculo indisoluble entre un padre y su hijo. A través de letras conmovedoras y melodías cautivadoras, Will Smith brinda una mirada sincera hacia la crianza paternal llena de amor, compromiso y sabiduría para guiar a su hijo en el camino hacia la adultez.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Will Smith)
(Now dad this is a very sensitive subject)
From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms
I knew I'd meet death before I'd let you meet harm
Although questions arose in my mind, would I be man enough?
Against wrong, choose right and be standin up
From the hospital that first night
Took a hour just ta get the carseat in right
People drivin all fast, got me kinda upset
Got you home safe, placed you in your basonette
That night I don't think one wink I slept
As I slipped out my bed, to your crib I crept
Touched your head gently, felt my heart melt
Cause I know I loved you more than life itself
Then to my knees, and I begged the Lord please
Let me be a good daddy, all he needs
Love, knowledge, discipline too
I pledge my life to you
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try
Just the two of us, (Just the two of us)
Just the two of us, building castles in the sky
Just the two of us, you and I (Will Smith)
Five years old, bringin comedy
Everytime I look at you I think man, a little me
Just like me
Wait an see gonna be tall
Makes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an all
Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be
A General, a Doctor, maybe a MC
Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time
But I will test that butt when you cut outta line, trudat
Uh-uh-uh why you do dat?
I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laugh
Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy
I pledge to you, I will always do
Everything I can
Show you how to be a man
Dignity, integrity, honor an
An I don't mind if you lose, long as you came with it
An you can cry, ain't no shame it it
It didn't work out with me an your mom
But yo, push come to shove
You was conceived in love
So if the world attacks, and you slide off track
Remember one fact, I got your back

(Will Smith)
It's a full-time job to be a good dad
You got so much more stuff than I had
I gotta study just to keep with the changin times
101 Dalmations on your CD-ROM
See me-I'm
Tryin to pretend I know
On my PC where that CD go
But yo, ain't nuthin promised, one day I'll be gone
Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong
But just in case
It's my place
To impart
One day some girl's gonna break your heart
And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son
Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
Always tell the truth, say your prayers
Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears
You're living proof that dreams do come true
I love you and I'm here for you
to fade(This is a good song dad,
how much am I gettin paid for this?)
Just the two of us, we can make it if we try
Just the two of us, (Just the two of us)
Just the two of us, building castles in the sky
Just the two of us, you and I (Will Smith)
Five years old, bringin comedy
Everytime I look at you I think man, a little me
Just like me
Wait an see gonna be tall
Makes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an all
Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be
A General, a Doctor, maybe a MC
Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time
But I will test that butt when you cut outta line, trudat
Uh-uh-uh why you do dat?
I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laugh
Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy
I pledge to you, I will always do
Everything I can
Show you how to be a man
Dignity, integrity, honor an
An I don't mind if you lose, long as you came with it
An you can cry, ain't no shame it it
It didn't work out with me an your mom
But yo, push come to shove
You was conceived in love
So if the world attacks, and you slide off track
Remember one fact, I got your back

(Will Smith)
It's a full-time job to be a good dad
You got so much more stuff than I had
I gotta study just to keep with the changin times
101 Dalmations on your CD-ROM
See me-I'm
Tryin to pretend I know
On my PC where that CD go
But yo, ain't nuthin promised, one day I'll be gone
Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong
But just in case
It's my place
To impart
One day some girl's gonna break your heart
And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son
Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
Always tell the truth, say your prayers
Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears
You're living proof that dreams do come true
I love you and I'm here for you

to fade(This is a good song dad,
how much am I gettin paid for this?
(Will Smith)
Five years old, bringin comedy
Everytime I look at you I think man, a little me
Just like me
Wait an see gonna be tall
Makes me laugh cause you got your dads ears an all
Sometimes I wonder, what you gonna be
A General, a Doctor, maybe a MC
Haha, I wanna kiss you all the time
But I will test that butt when you cut outta line, trudat
Uh-uh-uh why you do dat?
I try to be a tough dad, but you be makin me laugh
Crazy joy, when I see the eyes of my baby boy
I pledge to you, I will always do
Everything I can
Show you how to be a man
Dignity, integrity, honor an
An I don't mind if you lose, long as you came with it
An you can cry, ain't no shame it it
It didn't work out with me an your mom
But yo, push come to shove
You was conceived in love
So if the world attacks, and you slide off track
Remember one fact, I got your back

(Will Smith)
It's a full-time job to be a good dad
You got so much more stuff than I had
I gotta study just to keep with the changin times
101 Dalmations on your CD-ROM
See me-I'm
Tryin to pretend I know
On my PC where that CD go
But yo, ain't nuthin promised, one day I'll be gone
Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong
But just in case
It's my place
To impart

One day some girl's gonna break your heart
And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son
Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
Always tell the truth, say your prayers
Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears
You're living proof that dreams do come true
I love you and I'm here for you

to fade(This is a good song dad,
how much am I gettin paid for this
(Will Smith)
It's a full-time job to be a good dad
You got so much more stuff than I had
I gotta study just to keep with the changin times
101 Dalmations on your CD-ROM
See me-I'm
Tryin to pretend I know
On my PC where that CD go
But yo, ain't nuthin promised, one day I'll be gone
Feel the strife, but trust life does go wrong
But just in case
It's my place
To impart
One day some girl's gonna break your heart
And ooh ain't no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad, but don't take it out on the next, son
Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
Always tell the truth, say your prayers
Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears
You're living proof that dreams do come true
I love you and I'm here for you[Chorus
to fade(This is a good song dad,
how much am I gettin paid for this?)
to fade(This is a good song dad,
how much am I gettin paid for this?
(This is a good song dad, how much am
I gettin paid for this?)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.