Dice la canción

Summertime de Will Smith


Greatest hits

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Summertime

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La canción "Summertime" interpretada por Will Smith, también conocido como Fresh Prince, forma parte de su álbum recopilatorio "Greatest Hits". Este tema pertenece al género musical de rap y hip-hop, con un enfoque especialmente relajante y adecuado para el verano. La canción se publicó en los años 90, sumergiendo a los oyentes en una atmósfera nostálgica y llena de buena vibra.

La letra de "Summertime" es una oda al verano y todo lo que este representa: diversión, libertad y recuerdos felices. En las estrofas, Fresh Prince describe la sensación que trae consigo la temporada estival, donde las personas salen a disfrutar del clima cálido, las fiestas al aire libre y la compañía de amigos. Se mencionan detalles cotidianos como cambiar la vestimenta para un barbacoa a las 4 pm, los juegos callejeros de los niños o el aroma del asado que despierta nostalgia.

A través de sus versos cargados de imágenes sensoriales y experiencias comunes durante el verano, Will Smith logra transportar a los oyentes a esa época del año llena de alegría y vitalidad. La canción capta la esencia festiva y despreocupada del período estival, brindando una escapatoria temporal a través de su música relajante y letras evocadoras.

Al comparar "Summertime" con otras obras de Will Smith, se destaca su habilidad para narrar historias cotidianas con un toque positivo y humorístico característico. En esta canción en particular, el artista logra capturar la esencia del verano desde una perspectiva fresca y auténtica.

A pesar de ser una canción ligera y apta para escuchar durante los meses más cálidos del año, "Summertime" no carece de profundidad emocional. Entre líneas se percibe un sentimiento generalizado de felicidad compartida entre personas que se reúnen para celebrar el espíritu veraniego. La nostalgia implícita en la letra añade una capa adicional de emotividad que conecta con la audiencia.

En resumen, "Summertime" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre el verano; es un himno a la alegría compartida y los recuerdos felices que surgen durante esta época del año. A través de su ritmo pegajoso e letras contagiosas, Will Smith nos invita a sumergirnos en la calidez emocional del verano y disfrutar cada momento al máximo.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

summer, summer, summertime
time to sit back and unwind

(Fresh Prince)
Here it is the groove slightly transformed
just a bit of a break from the norm
just a little somethin' to break the monotony
of all that hardcore dance that has gotten to be
a little bit out of control it's cool to dance
but what about the groove that soothes that moves romance
give me a soft subtle mix
and if ain't broke then don't try to fix it
and think of the summers of the past
adjust the base and let the alpine blast
pop in my CD and let me run a rhyme
and put your car on cruise and lay back cause this is summertime

(Fresh Prince)
school is out and it's a sort of a buzz
a back then I didn't really know what it was
but now I see what have of this
the way that people respond to summer madness
the weather is hot and girls are dressing less
and checking out the fellas to tell 'em who's best
riding around in your jeep or your benzos
or in your Nissan stting on lorenzos
back in Philly we be ou in the park
a place called the plateau is where everybody goes
guys out hunting and girls doing likewise
honking at the honey in front of you with the light eyes
she turn around to see what you beeping at
it's like the summers a natural afradesiac
and with a pen and pad I compose this rhyme
to hit you and get you equipped for the summer time (Fresh Prince)
it's late in the day and I ain't been on the court yet
hustle to the mall to get me a short set
yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair
cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there
the temperature's about 88
hop in the water plug just for old times sake
break to ya crib change your clothes once more
cause you're invited to a barbeque that's starting at 4
sitting with your friends cause y'all remincise
about the days growing up and the first person you kiss
and as I think back makes me wonder how
the smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia
all the kids playing out front
little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch
while the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family reunion
then six o'clock rolls around
you just finished wiping your car down
it's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout
it looks like a car show
everybody come lookin real fine
fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon
every moment frontin and maxin
chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
leanin to the side but you can't spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
there's an air of love and of happiness
and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness (Fresh Prince)
school is out and it's a sort of a buzz
a back then I didn't really know what it was
but now I see what have of this
the way that people respond to summer madness
the weather is hot and girls are dressing less
and checking out the fellas to tell 'em who's best
riding around in your jeep or your benzos
or in your Nissan stting on lorenzos
back in Philly we be ou in the park
a place called the plateau is where everybody goes
guys out hunting and girls doing likewise
honking at the honey in front of you with the light eyes
she turn around to see what you beeping at
it's like the summers a natural afradesiac
and with a pen and pad I compose this rhyme
to hit you and get you equipped for the summer time (Fresh Prince)
it's late in the day and I ain't been on the court yet
hustle to the mall to get me a short set
yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair
cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there
the temperature's about 88
hop in the water plug just for old times sake
break to ya crib change your clothes once more
cause you're invited to a barbeque that's starting at 4
sitting with your friends cause y'all remincise
about the days growing up and the first person you kiss
and as I think back makes me wonder how
the smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia
all the kids playing out front
little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch
while the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family reunion
then six o'clock rolls around
you just finished wiping your car down
it's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout
it looks like a car show
everybody come lookin real fine
fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon
every moment frontin and maxin
chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
leanin to the side but you can't spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
there's an air of love and of happiness
and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness (Fresh Prince)
school is out and it's a sort of a buzz
a back then I didn't really know what it was
but now I see what have of this
the way that people respond to summer madness
the weather is hot and girls are dressing less
and checking out the fellas to tell 'em who's best
riding around in your jeep or your benzos
or in your Nissan stting on lorenzos
back in Philly we be ou in the park
a place called the plateau is where everybody goes
guys out hunting and girls doing likewise
honking at the honey in front of you with the light eyes
she turn around to see what you beeping at
it's like the summers a natural afradesiac
and with a pen and pad I compose this rhyme
to hit you and get you equipped for the summer time (Fresh Prince)
it's late in the day and I ain't been on the court yet
hustle to the mall to get me a short set
yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair
cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there
the temperature's about 88
hop in the water plug just for old times sake
break to ya crib change your clothes once more
cause you're invited to a barbeque that's starting at 4
sitting with your friends cause y'all remincise
about the days growing up and the first person you kiss
and as I think back makes me wonder how
the smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia
all the kids playing out front
little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch
while the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family reunion
then six o'clock rolls around
you just finished wiping your car down
it's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout
it looks like a car show
everybody come lookin real fine
fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon
every moment frontin and maxin
chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
leanin to the side but you can't spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
there's an air of love and of happiness
and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness (Fresh Prince)
it's late in the day and I ain't been on the court yet
hustle to the mall to get me a short set
yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair
cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there
the temperature's about 88
hop in the water plug just for old times sake
break to ya crib change your clothes once more
cause you're invited to a barbeque that's starting at 4
sitting with your friends cause y'all remincise
about the days growing up and the first person you kiss
and as I think back makes me wonder how
the smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia
all the kids playing out front
little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch
while the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family reunion
then six o'clock rolls around
you just finished wiping your car down
it's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout
it looks like a car show
everybody come lookin real fine
fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon
every moment frontin and maxin
chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
leanin to the side but you can't spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
there's an air of love and of happiness
and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness (Fresh Prince)
it's late in the day and I ain't been on the court yet
hustle to the mall to get me a short set
yeah I got on sneaks but I need a new pair
cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there
the temperature's about 88
hop in the water plug just for old times sake
break to ya crib change your clothes once more
cause you're invited to a barbeque that's starting at 4
sitting with your friends cause y'all remincise
about the days growing up and the first person you kiss
and as I think back makes me wonder how
the smell from a grill could spark up nostalgia
all the kids playing out front
little boys messin round with the girls playing double-dutch
while the DJ's spinning a tune as the old folks dance at your family reunion
then six o'clock rolls around
you just finished wiping your car down
it's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout
it looks like a car show
everybody come lookin real fine
fresh from the barber shop or fly from the beauty salon
every moment frontin and maxin
chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
leanin to the side but you can't spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
there's an air of love and of happiness
and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.