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Who am i? de Will Smith


Who am i? (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Who am i?

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La canción "Who Am I?" interpretada por Will Smith, en colaboración con L-Y-T-E, es un tema que refleja una profunda introspección sobre la identidad y el autoconcepto. En la canción, Will Smith hace referencia a sus sueños de éxito desde joven, anhelando riqueza material y reconocimiento en la industria del entretenimiento. Sin embargo, a medida que avanza la letra, se percibe un cambio en su perspectiva.

Smith reconoce que el brillo personal y el éxito no provienen exclusivamente de la riqueza o la fama exterior, sino de los valores y enseñanzas inculcados por su familia. Destaca la importancia del corazón y la autenticidad por encima de las posesiones materiales. A través de metáforas como el "gold in my heart" (oro en mi corazón) y "put the ice away" (guardar el hielo), se muestra un cambio hacia una valoración más profunda e interna.

Por otro lado, L-Y-T-E aporta su voz al empoderamiento femenino y desafía cualquier estereotipo negativo que puedan tener sobre ella. Expresa su autoconfianza y determinación en un mundo competitivo. Su verso destaca su integridad, astucia e imprevisibilidad, afirmando que es inolvidable.

La canción aborda también la idea de ser fiel a uno mismo a pesar de las críticas o adversidades externas. Tanto Will Smith como L-Y-T-E proyectan una imagen de personas seguras de sí mismas, educadas y resistentes ante las opiniones negativas.

En cuanto al estilo musical, "Who Am I?" combina elementos del rap con influencias pop y R&B característicos del sonido de Will Smith. La producción llevada a cabo por productores como Darkchild contribuye a crear un ambiente vibrante y energético que respalda los poderosos mensajes expresados en la letra.

En comparación con otras canciones del repertorio de Will Smith, "Who Am I?" destaca por su tono reflexivo y personal. A través de esta composición, el artista se muestra más vulnerable y transparente, explorando temas más íntimos relacionados con la autoaceptación y el verdadero sentido del éxito.

En resumen, "Who Am I?" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un himno a la autenticidad, la perseverancia y el autoconocimiento. A través de sus letras emotivas y potentes ritmos, invita al oyente a reflexionar sobre quiénes son realmente en medio del constante flujo externo de opiniones e influencias.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Darkchild, Big Will, 2000
Bust out, shake it up now
Come on, come on
And shake it up now
Who am I?
You know, you know
Big Will, ya ready?
Come on

When I was a lad I used to dream that (one day)
I'd earned the cream that make phat rocks gleam
Phat rhymes to make it seem that I was like Bill Gates
Writing lines, seal fates
Power to change the whole set
For exposure or forfeit
And with the wicked sense on how to get the picket fence
Envisioned a hot life, hot wife
Wanted a crib, well a palace like South Fork on Dallas
With lights simmer trees for the ambiance
I been up and down and high and low
Fly with dough, broke looking grimy yo
My shiny glow definitely ain't cause of my Bentley
It's something that my fam put in me
Who am I? You ask
The guy with the razzmatazz with ten duffel bags packed with pazazz
In the past cut twice by the ladies of my life
Boom stitched up by my wife
Who am I?
It's suffice to say found gold in my heart
Put the ice away
Nicer day, live foul homie it's a price to pay
Even when it's rainy still I say it's nice to day
Who am I?
That brother with the platinum plaque
With the strength to stand and say gangsta rap was whack
The fact is that when that brother rap or act
Hold position, front of the pack
Who am I?

I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?
I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?

Baby if you really wanna know about me
I'll tell you who I am
I'll tell you I be not the one for games
But if you're right with me
I know I'll do the same

I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?
I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?

Who am I?
You dare to ask
The same female that hailed from Brooklyn and wailed on that ass
I'm your worst nightmare, you're best wet dream
Break the bank papi cause we're coming for the cream
And while I'm in the world ain't none of y'all safe
Hold face, sell a million and you still won't equate
So who am I? It ain't hard to tell
Like staying on track cause you thinking I fell
See a lot know my face but a few know me well
Just who I am is the one to make ya gel
Who am I? The chick that keeps spittin'
Taking back all my snip that was bitten
Rewritten dangerous laison
With the shades on
Making sure the track stays on
Days on end I'll be that one true friend
That will always be around when the world falls down
I'm honest to the bone
No question, suggest
You don't wanna know
I give the truth, nothing less than
I'm sweet with a heart to fit
Smart as a whip
You feed me well but I'm still hard to get
I'm like a calculus problem hard to solve
Study me well if you wanna get involved
And even after that I'm still unpredictable
Now who am I? I'm unforgettable

I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?
I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?
I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?
I be fully educated
Not the one to play with
And I find that some of y'all hate it
But you wanna know baby
Who am I?

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.