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Somewhere In The City de Alicia Keys


Somewhere In The City - Single

16 de diciembre de 2014

Significado de Somewhere In The City

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"Somewhere In The City" de Alicia Keys es una poderosa pieza que muestra la fuerza y ​​la determinación del protagonista mientras lucha por hacerse un nombre en el mundo de la música. Las letras hablan de desafíos, de superar obstáculos y de persistir a pesar de la adversidad.

Desde las primeras líneas, se puede sentir la intensidad emocional del protagonista al describirse atrapado en un tornado, simbolizando quizás la vorágine de emociones y situaciones caóticas que enfrenta en su camino hacia el éxito. La referencia a lugares emblemáticos como el Renaissance Center y 8 Mile añade profundidad al trazado del surco, estableciendo una conexión con Detroit y su historia musical.

La letra también revela la presión sobre el protagonista para utilizar su talento vocal de manera eficaz, sin dejar que los críticos influyan en su arte. Las referencias a palabras como "fuse", "crack on your music" y "leap and jump into it" sugieren un proceso creativo intenso y el deseo ardiente de sobresalir.

La dualidad entre la realización personal y las expectativas externas se refleja en las líneas que hablan sobre liberar una obra maestra mientras se lucha contra un mundo lleno de maldad. El compromiso del protagonista con expresar su verdad artística con honestidad, incluso si puede herir a algunos oyentes, resuena a lo largo de la canción.

La estructura musical del tema combina elementos de piano, R&B y soul para crear una atmósfera emotiva e introspectiva que complementa perfectamente las letras llenas de pasión y determinación. Este estilo musical única ilustra perfectamente los conflictos internos del personaje principal.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción en 2014, se puede destacar que fue un período marcado por cambios significativos en la industria musical, con artistas explorando nuevos estilos y sonidos para destacarse en un panorama saturado. "Somewhere In The City" destaca entre estas propuestas por su mensaje contundente y autobiográfico.

En comparación con otras obras de Alicia Keys, esta canción muestra una faceta más cruda e intensa de su arte, alejándose un poco del estilo más suave y comercial por el que es conocida. El tema rebosa autenticidad y sinceridad, lo cual podría ser inspirador para sus seguidores más leales.

En resumen, "Somewhere In The City" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un himno a la perseverancia, a seguir tus sueños incluso cuando todo parece estar en tu contra. La mezcla emotiva de letras impactantes con una melodía cautivadora hacen de esta pieza una joya musical digna de reconocimiento.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

"Turn my vocals up a little bit more Scott... all of 'em..."
"Yeah... uh huh..."

I'm caught up inside a tornado and sucked in
By a rainstorm holding a hairdryer that's plugged in
Somewhere between the Renaissance Center and 8 Mile
Inside the Rock City that has spawned a unique child
And lightening strikes twice I was hit when they birthed me
And now I gotta live with this mouth that they cursed me
They said I gotta use it with tracks and try to fuse it
Don't abuse it and don't ever let 'em crack on your music
So I sit and watch the people that do it and don't pursue it
And instead I jot a little bit down then go review it
I just wait until I'm ready to leap and jump into it
Until I feel a little more confident I can do it
Not so many years later I've waited and now I'm here
To release a masterpiece on everybody in fear
I ain't holding nothing back in a world that's full of evil
My words can only injure or hurt so many people
I'm here to trade spaces shatter and blade faces
With guitars and bass lines and embrace and break stages
The pain'll come in phases for now it's just outrageous
When I'm knocking hear me cocking my gauge cause I'm impatient

From the Motor City...
(Let 'em know that) Hush Is Coming
(You ain't heard spread the word on down)
Down to New Orleans...
(You can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(I said you can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
From the penitentiary...
(Let 'em know that) Hush Is Coming
(You ain't heard spread the word)
To the criminals roaming the streets...
(You can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(I said you can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming

I've waited so long to unleash on these streets
A diary with more fury in sprees than Alicia Keys
My words are mere visions of movies with non-fiction
Intertwined in each rhyme that I spit with sweet diction
The rest are so pathetic and best are copasetic
By the time it hits you dead in the chest I hope you get it
I'm out to break laws slice and break jaws
Or I'll be on your stage with an axe and chainsaws
Of course my pains raw my brain is off a little
Ever since the first time I could rhyme and solve a riddle
Simon says go ahead and block the silence
And fuck with anybody who says to stop the violence
Go run and tell your parents I'm evil and I'm the devil
When it's gonna take a nation of mil to stop a rebel
Cause now it's all over I'm crazy and even zany
Lyrically Scorsese on a track by Mr. Shady

From San Diego...
(Let 'em know that) Hush Is Coming
(You ain't heard spread the word)
All the way back to Queens...
(You can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(I said you can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
This ain't a rumor...
(Let 'em know that) Hush Is Coming
(You ain't heard spread the word)
Remember you heard that from me...
(You can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(I said you can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming

My behavior gets erratic on tracks that got static
When I spit the bullets just keep coming it's automatic
I'm ill it's been said every letter I let sink
And left 'em dead inside a puddle of songs with red ink
I played away shy since the day I stayed high
And staged dive from the top of my roof at age 5
My mother always said that her son was gonna make it
If he wasn't gonna make it he'll have to go and take it
So now I'm on Geffen the whole world is trippin'
Cause another new MC from the D is off and flippin'
And this one's Lebanese do we have to say the bomb
Is he related to Osama Bin Laden or Saddam
I'm just a suicidal bomber on tracks and always killin'
Everything that ever gets in my way and such a villian
If you think you know me now then get ready because I'm grinning'
This ain't even near the end of Omega it's just beginning'

From the City of Angels...
(Let 'em know that) Hush Is Coming
(You ain't heard spread the word)
To the streets of Mississippi...
(You can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(I said you can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
For the players that's hatin'...
(Let 'em know that) Hush Is Coming
(You ain't heard spread the word)
You better start clearing the street...
(You can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(I said you can tell 'em that) Hush Is Coming
(Tell 'em Nate what) Hush Is Coming
(Pull 'em out mafuckerz cause) Hush Is Coming
(Better run cause) Hush Is Coming
(Better duck mafuckerz cause) Hush Is Coming

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.