Dice la canción

It's a shame de Anouk


Together alone

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de It's a shame

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La letra de la canción "It's a shame" de Anouk es una reflexión sobre la frustración y la desilusión en el amor y en la vida. A lo largo de la canción, se pueden percibir sentimientos de impotencia y resignación ante situaciones que parecen ser inmutables.

El primer verso "It's a shame, the rules change not the game" plantea la idea de que aunque las reglas puedan cambiar, el juego sigue siendo el mismo, lo que sugiere una sensación de estancamiento y falta de progreso. La repetición de la frase "It's a shame" refuerza este sentimiento de decepción.

La lírica continúa explorando la idea de que puede que no valga la pena intentar cambiar las cosas, ya que todo parece estar destinado al fracaso. Se hace referencia a sentirse como un simple número en una línea, lo que podría simbolizar una sensación de anonimato y falta de control sobre el rumbo de la vida.

A pesar de esta negatividad inicial, hay un destello de esperanza en los versos posteriores donde se menciona que la vida es genial, caminando bajo el sol y todo parece estar bien. Estos momentos positivos contrastan con los sentimientos más oscuros previamente expresados, reforzando así la dualidad entre la desolación y la alegría.

En cuanto al estilo musical, Anouk combina su potente voz con un sonido rock característico de los años 90. Su voz rasposa transmite con fuerza las emociones contenidas en la letra, agregando intensidad a cada verso cantado.

En comparación con otras obras de Anouk, esta canción puede asociarse con su estilo distintivo lleno de fuerza emocional y honestidad brutal en sus letras. Además, su capacidad para transmitir sentimientos crudos es una característica constante en muchas de sus canciones más populares.

"It's a shame" fue lanzada como parte del álbum "Together Alone". La influencia del rock clásico combinada con letras melancólicas crean una atmósfera única que ha resonado con los oyentes durante décadas.

En resumen, "It's a shame" es una canción introspectiva que explora los altibajos emocionales experimentados en medio del amor y las luchas cotidianas. A través de sus poderosas letras y composición musical emotiva, Anouk logra transmitir un mensaje universal sobre las inevitables dificultades inherentemente presentes en nuestras vidas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

It's a shame, the rules change not the game
Such a shame, It's the same
Now everything is in vain
All in vain, it's such a shame

Could it be true, that there's nothing left to do
For me and you, can't be true
We all can't be such fools
Could life be so cruel
Could life be so cruel

Maybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why
We're on the same line, and we're fallin' behind
on life

Life is great, I'm walking in the sun and everything is cool
Yeah it's true, there's so much we can do
It feels so right
Yeah, it's all right

Maybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why

Baby, I don't even wanna try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why we're on the same line and
Fallin' behind
Fallin' behind on lifeCould it be true, that there's nothing left to do
For me and you, can't be true
We all can't be such fools
Could life be so cruel
Could life be so cruel

Maybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why
We're on the same line, and we're fallin' behind
on life

Life is great, I'm walking in the sun and everything is cool
Yeah it's true, there's so much we can do
It feels so right
Yeah, it's all right

Maybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why

Baby, I don't even wanna try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why we're on the same line and
Fallin' behind
Fallin' behind on lifeMaybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why
We're on the same line, and we're fallin' behind
on life

Life is great, I'm walking in the sun and everything is cool
Yeah it's true, there's so much we can do
It feels so right
Yeah, it's all right

Maybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why

Baby, I don't even wanna try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why we're on the same line and
Fallin' behind
Fallin' behind on lifeLife is great, I'm walking in the sun and everything is cool
Yeah it's true, there's so much we can do
It feels so right
Yeah, it's all right

Maybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why

Baby, I don't even wanna try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why we're on the same line and
Fallin' behind
Fallin' behind on lifeMaybe, I don't even try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why

Baby, I don't even wanna try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why we're on the same line and
Fallin' behind
Fallin' behind on lifeBaby, I don't even wanna try fearing what I'd find
Guess I am a number on the line
Could you please tell me why we're on the same line and
Fallin' behind
Fallin' behind on life

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.