Dice la canción

Arthur mcbride de Bob Dylan


Bob Dylan: The Collection

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Arthur mcbride

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La canción "Arthur McBride" interpretada por Bob Dylan es una pieza perteneciente al género de rock clásico, con influencias folk y celtas. La canción es parte del álbum "Bob Dylan: The Collection", donde el artista demuestra su versatilidad al explorar diferentes estilos musicales.

Analizando la letra de la canción, podemos percibir una historia narrativa cautivadora. La canción relata el encuentro de dos primos, uno de ellos llamado Arthur McBride, quienes se cruzan con reclutadores militares en un día festivo de Navidad. Los reclutadores intentan convencer a los jóvenes para unirse al ejército ofreciéndoles dinero y promesas tentadoras sobre la vida del soldado.

Sin embargo, Arthur McBride rechaza rotundamente las ofertas, destacando la libertad y compañerismo que disfruta junto a su primo. La canción destaca la resistencia ante las imposiciones y los peligros del servicio militar, mostrando un rechazo a la violencia y a las injusticias que pueden implicar.

El hilo narrativo se desarrolla con intensidad cuando Arthur y su primo deciden enfrentarse a los reclutadores utilizando sus propias armas, demostrando valentía y determinación frente a lo establecido. Esta lucha simbólica contra la autoridad militar refleja un mensaje de resistencia y autonomía frente a las presiones externas.

La letra de "Arthur McBride" posee una rica capa de crítica social hacia el reclutamiento forzoso y la coerción militar, resaltando la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo y no dejarse arrastrar por promesas vacías. Es un himno contra la imposición de ideales patrióticos violentos, abogando por la libertad individual y la justicia.

Esta canción se enmarca dentro de un repertorio del artista que refleja su compromiso con las causas sociales y políticas más allá de lo superficial. Bob Dylan ha sido reconocido por su uso poderoso de letras cargadas de significado e historias profundas que invitan a reflexionar sobre temas importantes para la sociedad.

En conclusión, "Arthur McBride" es una pieza musical que trasciende lo meramente estético para transmitir un mensaje relevante sobre resistencia, libertad y autenticidad. A través de personajes como Arthur McBride y su primo, Bob Dylan logra crear una narrativa que resuena en el espíritu rebelde e independiente del individuo en sociedad.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

1. oh, me and my cousin, one arthur mcbride,
as we went a-walkin' down by the seaside,
mark now what followed and what did betide,
for it bein' on christmas mornin'
now, for recreation, we went on a tramp,
and we met sergeant napper and corporal vamp
and a little wee drummer intending to camp,
for the day bein' pleasant and charmin'.
2. "good morning, good morning," the sergeant he cried.
"and the same to you, gentlemen," we did reply,
intending no harm but meant to pass by,
for it bein' on christmas mornin'
"but," says he, "my fine fellows, if you will enlist,
ten guineas in gold i'll stick to your fist,
and a crown in the bargain for to kick up the dust,
and drink the king's health in the morning.
3. "for a soldier, he leads a very fine life,
and he always is blessed with a charming young wife,
and he pays all his debts without sorrow or strife,
and he always lives pleasant and charmin',
and a soldier, he always is decent and clean,
in the finest of clothing he's constantly seen.
while other poor fellows go dirty and mean,
and sup on thin gruel in the ;
4. "but," says arthur, "i wouldn't be proud of your clothes,
for you've only the lend of them, as i suppose,
but you dare not change them one night, for you know
if you do, you'll be flogged in the morning,
and although that we're single and free,
we take great delight in our own company,
we have no desire strange places to see,
although that your offers are charming.
5. "and we have no desire to take your advance,
all hazards and dangers we barter on chance,
for you'd have no scruples for to send us to france,
where we would get shot without warning,"
"oh no," says the sergeant. "i'll have no such chat,
and neither will i take it from snappy young brats,
for if you insult me with one other word,
i'll cut off your heads in the ;
6. and arthur and i, we soon drew our hogs,
and we scarce gave them time to draw their own blades
when a trusty shillelagh came over their head
and bid them take that as fair warning.
and their old rusty rapiers that hung by their sides,
we flung them as far as we could in the tide,
"now take them up, devils" cried arthur mcbride,
"and temper their edge in the mornin'"
7. and the little wee drummer, we flattened his bow,
and we made a football of his rowdy-dow-dow,
threw it in the tide for to rock and to roll,
and bade it a tedious returning,
and we havin' no money, paid them off in cracks.
we paid no respect to their two bloody backs,
and we lathered them there like a pair of wet sacks,
and left them for dead in the morning.
8. and so, to conclude and to finish disputes,
we obligingly asked if they wanted recruits,
for we were the lads who would give them hard clouts
and bid them look sharp in the mornin'.
9. oh, me and my cousin, one arthur mcbride,
as we went a-walkin' down by the seaside,
mark now what followed and what did betide,
for it bein' on christmas mornin'

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.