Dice la canción

Fanatic of the b word de De La Soul


De la soul is dead

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Fanatic of the b word

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La canción "Fanatic of the b word" interpretada por De la Soul, perteneciente al álbum "De la Soul is dead", se enmarca en el género musical del rap y hip hop. Publicada originalmente en 1991, esta canción destaca por su frescura y ritmo característico de los artistas.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, podemos observar una mezcla de referencias deportivas con un toque humorístico y desenfadado. La canción comienza con una introducción jocosa donde se mencionan varios artistas presentes en la grabación. Luego, entra el coro que invita a todos a participar en un baile imaginario llamado "baseball". Esta invitación es solo una excusa para divertirse y disfrutar del momento.

Las estrofas a lo largo de la canción incluyen versos que hacen referencia a situaciones cotidianas como fumar cigarrillos o enfrentarse a problemas con la policía, todo ello mezclado con humor irónico. A medida que avanza la canción, cada miembro del grupo hace sus propias contribuciones líricas, creando un ambiente festivo y ameno.

El tono general de "Fanatic of the b word" es relajado y despreocupado, reflejando la actitud divertida y creativa por la que De la Soul ha sido conocido. A través de metáforas ingeniosas y rimas pegajosas, los artistas logran transmitir un mensaje simple pero efectivo: disfruta del momento y no te tomes las cosas demasiado en serio.

Desde su origen en los años 90, De la Soul ha destacado por su estilo único dentro del mundo del hip hop, fusionando elementos de jazz y soul con letras inteligentes e irreverentes. "Fanatic of the b word" se suma a su legado como una muestra más de su creatividad e innovación dentro del género.

En resumen, "Fanatic of the b word" es una canción divertida y pegajosa que invita al oyente a dejarse llevar por el ritmo y disfrutar de la música sin barreras ni complicaciones. Con De la Soul al mando, esta pieza musical representa lo mejor del rap alternativo de los años 90.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Mike g:
Ha ha ah yeah got it going on like a big old fat high hard on
(hooo weee) black sheep in the house sweet daddy mr. lawnge in the
House my man the dres in the house you know what i'm sayin'
Huey love in the house long posdnuos dove prince paul the
Lucien in the house. the house dreddy bear ha mike g

Come on everybody let's baseball
Come on everybody do the baseball
Come on, come on, come on, come on
Come on everybody let's baseball
Come on everybody let's baseball
Come on everybody do the baseball
Everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody
Come on everybody let's baseball
Mike g:
Got it goin' on. swing it over here ochay, ochay, ochay.
We gonna swing it over here, swing it over there. we gonna do the
Baseball. ha ha ha
(three feet)
A nubian sprocket is the one
Plug one, cut the cap
Forward is the marcher of the chant,
To the clan, unless you slept
Willy to the wonka of the feat
Smoke your blunt, but close your drapes
If we get fined by police,
Don't worry, yo, i got the papes
Toxic is the talk that i tell,
Tell the tales from the lady who's fat
Chris made the dope beat but no bo peeps
(and you can't beat that with a baseball bat)
Swing is the is of my step
Plug two, groove a gut
On gets by when it's kept
Three miles to my step
Forgiveness to the foes is false
I cook goose and serve a plate
Position is opposed to a loss
No cost, no relate
Brother got a badge of his own
Because the link of the life is slack
This licks 'em down to the tootsie pop
(and you can't beat that with a baseball bat)
Move over just a bit to the right of me
For i cannot see where the booty is
I sit, i'm looking out a foggy window
Crack it just a bit, yo this is showbiz
It's as though a pound goes around and around
So i give a pound then i do the step
Dres will be with boca on the side
Can i crack a smile for doz who slept
Phonetics and kinetics perservere
Therefore i kick it
I took the but i did not have a ticket
Had some chinese food but i didn't have a spoon
I had a dope rhyme but i didn't have it soon
I'm looking out the window
Day is filled with rain and gloom
Man oh man oh man i hope i find my spoon soon
Eating large fish 'cause i know it ain't cat
(and you can't beat that with a baseball bat)
Pos: yo this is plug one and i'm saying peace to lorraine in holland,
Thanks for not having my baby, peace.
Dres: this is dres. danica, boston, my first tight cushion, love you.
Mista lawnge: yo this is the sugar dick daddy, i'd like to say peace
To my father, bombed out brother.
Mase: this is baby huey plug three, and i'd like to say peace to
That mother a-ahem who stole my pathfinder in front of the studio,
Paul: yo what's up, this is prince paul, i'd like to say what's up
To all the doo doo eaters and all the kelvin mercer look-alikes, and
I'm out.
(god damn)
(have a ball)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.