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Dick cavett tv interview (1970) de Janis Joplin


Dick cavett tv interview (1970) (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Dick cavett tv interview (1970)

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La letra de la canción "Dick Cavett TV Interview (1970)" interpretada por Janis Joplin ofrece una ventana única hacia la personalidad y el mundo interior de esta talentosa artista. En este intercambio televisivo, encontramos a Janis compartiendo anécdotas sobre sus experiencias en el escenario, revelando aspectos de su vida y su perspectiva sobre el amor y las relaciones.

Desde el principio, podemos apreciar la energía y la pasión que Janis pone en su arte. Ella expresa cómo se siente completamente entregada cuando está sobre el escenario, describiendo que es difícil para ella detenerse después de cantar una canción porque le inspira a seguir adelante. Este compromiso total con su música habla del profundo amor y dedicación que Janis tenía por lo que hacía.

En otro momento, Janis comparte una analogía interesante sobre una mula persiguiendo una zanahoria atada a un palo. Ella interpreta este cuento como una metáfora de las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres, donde la mujer siempre está buscando algo que alguien le retiene constantemente. Esta visión revela la sensibilidad de Janis hacia las dinámicas de poder y deseo en las relaciones humanas.

Además, al hablar sobre su proceso creativo, Janis destaca que no escribe sus canciones en papel, sino que las inventa sobre la marcha. Este enfoque espontáneo y visceral en su creación musical muestra la naturaleza auténtica y orgánica de su arte. La improvisación y el flujo libre parecen ser parte integral de su expresión artística.

En cuanto a los comentarios sobre sus días escolares, Janis revela cierta vulnerabilidad al recordar cómo fue marginada e incomprendida durante su tiempo en el instituto. Su sensación de no pertenencia se hace evidente cuando menciona cómo fue rechazada por sus compañeros e incluso ridiculizada. Estas experiencias dolorosas pueden haber contribuido a forjar la fortaleza emocional y la individualidad que caracterizaban a Janis como artista.

La canción "Dick Cavett TV Interview (1970)" nos brinda un vistazo único al alma inquieta y apasionada de Janis Joplin. A través de sus reflexiones sinceras e íntimas durante esta entrevista televisiva, podemos comprender mejor quién era ella más allá del escenario y las luces brillantes.

Este encuentro puede servir como un puente entre su feroz presencia escénica y la persona vulnerable detrás del micrófono. La combinación de carisma magnético y vulnerabilidad emocional en Janis Joplin creó un legado duradero en la historia de la música rock; un testimonio de autenticidad y pasión desenfrenada por su arte.

En resumen, "Dick Cavett TV Interview (1970)" ofrece una mirada genuina a través del velo público hacia la verdadera identidad de Janis Joplin: una artista iconoclasta cuyo corazón latía al ritmo apasionado de su propia música. Sus palabras reflejan tanto el ardor creativo como las cicatrices emocionales que moldearon la leyenda detrás del nombre.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Janis it's a shame you couldn't do an up tune for us but i liked that one.
Later in the show.
Yeah, maybe later we'll be talking too. you're really shot after, after a number, let alone a whole evening i would think.
Yeah, yeah.
You tell me you kind of collapse after a show ?
Well, i'm used to it because i'm so turned on by doing one that it's hard to do, it's hard to stop after one to tell you the truth, because it just makes you wanna do more.
Your engine is revved up ?
Yeah, sort of
I know all the hip expressions, you see. your engine is revved up.
You're a real swinger, i can tell by your shoes, man
Wait a minute, janis, janis. these were good enough for my grand-father, they're good enough for me.
I had a lot of trouble, last week i, er, it wasn't that tune, we opened with another tune and i tore a muscle.
I heard about this. you tore a mussel somewhere near maryland. er ...
It was closer to home than that
Well, er ...
But i played forty minutes, man i did forty minutes
Yeah, but how do you, how do you tear a muscle singing, was it from the exhaustion or ...
No, i went ... like that.
You actually, literally tore a muscle ... i mean like that ...
Every time, it hurt.
Could you feel it go ?
What do they do, do they set a muscle or do they tape you up or something ?
They told me to keep still.
Janis you wrote that tune that you were just singing like we just agreed to ask about. you er, you wrote the first tune, right ?
I wrote the first tune. it's, er, yes i did, it's about men.
It's about men. it's a little hard to tell what it was about 'cause i was standing over there where the sound is a little distorted.
Well in my story that's what it is anyway.
D'you ever see those mule carts ?
They, er, there's a dumb mule on there right and a long stick with a string and a carrot, and it hangs over the mule's nose, and it runs after it all day long. some ...
Who is the man in this, in this parable, the mule, or the person holding the carrot ?
No, the woman is the, is the mule. chasing something that somebody's holds her way.
Constantly chasing her man ...
... who always eludes her.
Well, they always hold something more than they're prepared to give.
I have to defend my entire sex, ladies and gentlemen the burden of the defense.
Go right ahead
Well, one-arm wrestling i can take you two out of three.
I hope so.
Do you, er, do you actually sit down when you get up in the morning and, and write out a song, or do you . . . when you say you write it, you compose it you write it on a paper.
You just make it up, i don't write songs, i make them up.
They don't exist on paper your songs, don't they ?
Sometimes i just write down the words so i don't forget 'em, but i mean i don't write songs, that's a whole different concept. i just make 'em up.
Yeah. did you ever get back to port arthur, texas ?
No, but i'm going back next in august, man. and guess what i'm doin' ?
I don't know.
I'm going to my 10th annual high school reunion.
Oh oh take movies and bring 'em back to show us, will you ?
Hey would you like to go ?
Well, i don't remember, i don't have any friends in your high school class.
I don't either. i don't either, believe me.
You don't either ?
It's hard going, man
Weren't you a kind of a, weren't you kind of a business administration major or something in high school. no, it's something in your past. you were ...
No, i worked.
But a high school major in art does have plenty of time.
Yeah. and do you think you'll have a lot to say to your old high-school classmates ?
I don't have a lot, man.
You were not surrounded by friends in high school ?
They laughed me out of class, out of town, and out of state, man.
Hmm ...
Somethin' goin' on.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.