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Ego rock de Janis Joplin


In concert

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Ego rock

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La canción "Ego Rock" interpretada por Janis Joplin es una pieza emblemática del género blues rock que encapsula la potencia y la pasión inigualable de esta icónica cantante femenina. Publicada en su álbum "In Concert", la letra de esta canción nos sumerge en las experiencias personales y emocionales de Joplin, expresando sentimientos de desapego, soledad y deseo de libertad.

En el inicio de la canción, Joplin relata su necesidad de escapar de Texas, un lugar que ella considera opresivo y limitante. Describe cómo la ciudad de Port Arthur le resulta insoportable, llegando a afirmar que es el peor lugar que ha encontrado en sus viajes por el mundo. A través de estas líneas, se percibe un anhelo profundo por la libertad y el movimiento constante.

Las referencias a una mujer que también dejó Texas con solo su nombre sugieren una conexión entre esa misteriosa persona y Joplin misma. La letra sugiere un viaje hacia una nueva vida en la gran ciudad, donde se aprende un nuevo juego e inevitablemente se enfrenta al dolor y la soledad internos.

El tono melancólico y introspectivo se intensifica cuando Joplin habla sobre el dolor personal que lleva dentro, haciendo hincapié en la tristeza femenina que siempre resuena con los cantos blues. A medida que avanza la canción, se observa un cambio hacia una actitud más fuerte y decidida: Joplin declara que ya no caerá más en trampas sentimentales y busca mantenerse firme frente a las decepciones amorosas.

La narrativa evoluciona hacia un momento de confrontación interna donde Janis reflexiona sobre su propia identidad y poder personal. Expresa su deseo implacable por encontrar alguien capaz de igualarla o incluso superarla en fortaleza emocional, insinuando una vulnerabilidad oculta detrás de su fachada imponente.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras musicales, "Ego Rock" muestra similitudes temáticas con algunas canciones anteriores de Janis Joplin donde se exploran las complejidades del amor, el deseo de independencia y la lucha contra los estereotipos sociales. Al ser conocida por su voz única e inconfundible, Janis Joplin deja una huella imborrable en cada nota interpretada.

En resumen, "Ego Rock" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio emocionalmente crudo sobre las luchas personales experimentadas por Janis Joplin como artista incomparable. A través de metáforas subyacentes e ironías palpables, esta composición revela capas profundas del alma humana atravesadas por experiencias universales como el dolor, la resistencia y la autenticidad inquebrantable.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Let's go, let's go let's go let's go. peter you start it. richard, you start it. somebody start it.
I just had to get out on the texas plane,
lord, well it was bringing me down.
yeah, i had to get out of texas, baby,
lord, it was bringing me down.
i been all around the world,
but port arthur is the worst place that i've ever found.
I guess they couldn't understand it there,
honey, they'd laugh me off the street
lord, i guess they couldn't understand me, baby,
honey, they'd laugh, i said they'd laugh me right off the street, yeah.
i said i want to keep on moving, baby,
be the last person i ever wanna meet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
honey ain't it hard when you're all alone.
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
honey ain't it hard, lord, when you're all alone.
i might die real old lady
but i'd never call texas my home,
no, no, no, oh
you say you come from texas, baby,
she says she left texas with just her name.
(that's what she told me.)
yes she's from texas i tell you,
she says she left texas with just her name.
yes, well i swear when that girl came to the big city
lord, she learned a brand new game.
well, yeah
Honey, i hear you talkin' about sorrow,
baby but you don't know my pain ª that's right
mercy mercy
i hear you talking about my sorrow,
you don't know my pain.
you know there's an inside kind of sorrow
lord, the women are always singin' the blues.
all right, all right motherfucker, you sing
you know i, i dealt the ace to the queen,
you know i played scrabble with
yes, i dealt an ace to the queen,
didn't i'll tell ya i's playin' scrabble with
well, i don't care what the name of the game is, baby, i tell you
i always seem to get my way.
i used to be a doggone fool,
fall for a woman's story every time.
ª but no more, i swear ª
well, i used to be a, be a doggone fool,
fall for that old woman's story every time.
yes i, i'm a big boy now,
yeah, they gotta come up with some kind of heavy line.
well, well, yeah
Sounds like i found the man
who could take care of my time.
it ain't me babe, it ain't me babe
it appears to me that i found a man
that could take care of my time.
well, i got my own trouble, i got my own car,
i got my own little lady, i got my hotel,
oh what are you talking about
don't try to take it
somebody talks as fine as he does
oughta be able to take care of
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
woman, woman, it just makes me mad.
ahh ahh woman, yeah,
yeah, yeah,
it just makes me mad
oh man ª shit,
yes she played me for the fool i tell ya
yes and i've got to love every man she's ever had, yeah.
If i found a man who could put me down the way you do
ª i mean so handy-like, you know what i mean ?
yeah, i found a man, whoa, who could put me down the way you do,
ª i mean so easy like it was second nature, y'know what i mean, man ?
ah maybe that man could help me
at least, honey i thought i would give you a chance
i said i, what i said i could try after the, after the show tonight maybe uh ...
i'm just a working man, you know
ha ha ha ha, you don't work too hard, baby
you know i ain't no hollywood star.
ª i'm not joe namath, you know,
i read about that in the papers today ª
you know i'm just a working man
you don't work too hard, baby
i never ran in a football game 200 yards
ha ha ha ha ha, that's the kinda man i like, that's the kinda man i like.
but you know i can take care of those country girls
well i can mess around in that farm-yard.
lord, lord, whoaah
ha ha ha ha. whew whew wow that's getting a little too close, too heavy here. that's nick gravenites, that was a tune called ego rock. no ...
all right, rock, rock & roll song.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.