Dice la canción

Doo wop (that thing) de Lauryn Hill


Doo wop (that thing) (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Doo wop (that thing)

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La canción "Doo Wop (That Thing)" de Lauryn Hill es un himno que critica las relaciones superficiales basadas en la apariencia y en las actitudes egoístas de hombres y mujeres. En la letra, Lauryn Hill advierte a las mujeres sobre los hombres que solo se preocupan por su aspecto físico y por su estatus social, representado en líneas como "Algunos chicos solo se preocupan por esa cosa (cosa)". Ella les recuerda a las mujeres que no deberían vender su alma ni rebajarse por atención masculina, ya que el respeto propio es lo mínimo que deben exigir.

En cuanto a los hombres, Lauryn Hill critica aquellos que son más leales a sus coches lujosos y zapatillas caras que a sus parejas. Les señala que necesitan madurar y asumir responsabilidades reales en lugar de comportarse como niños. La artista destaca problemas como la violencia doméstica, el abandono infantil y la falta de compromiso de algunos hombres hacia sus familias.

La canción tiene una estructura clara donde Lauryn Hill dedica la primera parte a alertar a las mujeres sobre cómo pueden ser utilizadas por hombres deshonestos e irrespetuosos. Luego cambia el foco hacia los hombres, evidenciando comportamientos tóxicos e inmaduros. A lo largo de la canción, se repite el estribillo "Esa cosa", enfatizando el mensaje principal sobre la superficialidad y el vacío detrás de relaciones basadas únicamente en lo material.

En cuanto al género musical, "Doo Wop (That Thing)" pertenece al soul, con influencias del hip-hop y del R&B característicos de Lauryn Hill. La canción fue lanzada en 1998 como parte del álbum debut en solitario de la artista "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill", cuyo éxito le valió múltiples premios Grammy.

En resumen, "Doo Wop (That Thing)" es una llamada poderosa al autorespeto, la honestidad emocional y la búsqueda de relaciones auténticas basadas en valores más profundos que simplemente lo físico o lo material. A través de sus letras inteligentes y directas, Lauryn Hill transmite un mensaje atemporal sobre el amor propio y el respeto mutuo dentro de las relaciones humanas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Girls you know you'd better watch out (watch out)
Some guys some guys are only about (about)
That thing that thing that thing (thing)
That thing that thing that thing (thing)
Throw your hands in the air
Admit two shots in the atmosphere

It's been 3 weeks since you've been looking for your friend
The one you let hit it and never called you again
Remember when he told you he was about the benjamins?
You act like you ain't hear him, but gave him a little trim
To begin, how you think you're really going to pretend
Like you wasn't down and you called him again?
Plus when, you give it up so easy you ain't even foolin' him
If you did it then, then you'll probably fuck again
Talking out your neck, saying you're a christian
A muslim, sleeping with the gin
Now that was the sin that did jezebel in
Who're you going to tell when the repercussions spin?
Showing off your ass because your thinking it's a trend
Girlfriend, let me break it down for you again
You know i only say it because i'm truly genuine
Don't be a hard rock, when you really are a gem
Baby girl respect is just the minimum
Niggas fucked up and your still defending them
Now -- lauryn is only human
Don't think i haven't been through the same predicament
Let it sit inside your head like a million women in philly, penn
It's silly when girls sell their souls because it's in
Look at what you be in, hair weaves like europeans
Fake nails done by koreans
Come again
Yo a-when when come again (yeah-yeah)
When when come again (yeah-yeah)
My friend come again (yeah-yeah)

Guys you know you'd better, watch out (watch out)
Some girls, some girls are only, about (about)
That thing, that thing, that thing (thing)
That thing, that thing, that thing (thing)

The second verse is dedicated to the men
More concerned with his rims and his tim's than his women
Him and his men, come in the club like houligans
Don't care who they offend
Popping yang (like you got yen)
Let's not pretend, they wanna pack pistol by they waist men,
Drink cristal by the case men, still in they mother's basement
The pretty face men claiming that they claiming that they did a bid
Need to take care of their three and four kids
But they face a court case when the child support's late
Money taking and heart breaking
Now you wonder why women hate men
The sneaky silent men
The punk domestic violence men
Quick to shoot the semen, stop acting like boys and be men
How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?
How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?
How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?
Unh-unhh come again
Bro-straight come again
Sit straight come again
Watch out, watch out
Look out, look out
Watch out, watch out
Look out, look out
Watch out, watch out
Look out, look out
Watch out, watch out
Look out, look out

Girls you know you'd better, watch out (watch out)
Some guys, some guys are only about (about)
That thing, that thing, that thing (thing)
That thing, that thing, that thing (thing)
Guys you know you'd better, watch out (watch out)
Some girls, some girls are only, about (about)
That thing, that thing, that thing (thing)
That thing, that thing, that thing (thing)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.