Dice la canción

Count me out de New Edition


Greatest hits

14 de diciembre de 2011

"Count me out" es una canción interpretada por New Edition, incluida en su álbum de grandes éxitos. La letra de la canción refleja un mensaje claro: el protagonista prefiere pasar tiempo con su pareja en lugar de unirse a sus amigos para actividades con la pandilla. A lo largo de la canción, el cantante expresa su deseo de estar con su novia y comparte que su prioridad es ella, demostrando un alto nivel de compromiso y lealtad hacia su relación.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, se puede interpretar como una oda al amor y la dedicación en una relación. El cantante muestra a través de sus palabras que valora a su pareja por encima de cualquier otra cosa, prefiriendo disfrutar momentos juntos en lugar de participar en actividades grupales. Esta actitud demuestra madurez emocional y la importancia del tiempo compartido en una relación amorosa.

La canción también transmite un mensaje de respeto hacia la pareja, destacando las cualidades positivas de ella y enfatizando la reciprocidad en el amor. Las referencias a los besos guardados solo para él y a la personalidad dulce de su chica sugieren una conexión especial basada en el cariño mutuo y la admiración.

Desde una perspectiva cultural, "Count me out" refleja valores tradicionales como el romanticismo y el compromiso en las relaciones sentimentales. A pesar de ser una balada pop típica de los años 80, sigue resonando hoy en día debido a su temática atemporal sobre el amor verdadero y la fidelidad.

En cuanto a la estructura musical, esta canción presenta un ritmo pegajoso característico del soul y R&B, géneros populares durante esa época. Los arreglos sonoros incluyen instrumentos como teclados, guitarras eléctricas y percusión que complementan la voz del cantante principal.

En resumen, "Count me out" es una expresión sincera del compromiso amoroso y lealtad hacia la pareja. A través de sus letras emotivas, New Edition logra transmitir mensajes universales sobre el valor del tiempo compartido con aquellos que amamos. La canción continúa siendo relevante tanto por su melodía pegajosa como por su mensaje intemporal sobre el romance y la devoción en las relaciones personales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Count me out
count me out
Fellas want to hang
and save tonight just
for the gang
but you'll have to count me
out this time
if i can't bring my girl
Don't look surprised
when i tell you that
gotta spend some time
with my baby, yes
so if that means
we're gonna rain on
your parade
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count me
you'll have to count me out
i wanna be with my girlfriend
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
When she asked me please
could i say no and feel at
if you count me out tonight
she's gonna be with me wherever
i go
She's got a sweet personality
she saves her kisses just for me
so if that means we're gonna rain on
your parade
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count
me out
you'll have to count me out
i'm saving kisses for my baby
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count
me out
you'll have to count me out
my baby wants to be with me
you'll have to count me out
that's the way it's gonna be
you'll have to count me out
Count me out
count me out
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count me
you'll have to count me out
i wanna be with my girlfriend
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count
me out
you'll have to count me out
i'm saving all my loving for her
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
I love my baby but she's just a
and when i need her i say please,
please, please
can i hold you,
squeeze you,
cause i need you
count me out
you'll have to count me out
this time
don't count me out
don't leave me out
you'll have to count me out
this time
You'll have to count me out
count me out
you'll have to count me out
you'll have to count me out
count me out
you'll have to count me out
Man, we're going to the movies
then to the park, to play a little
ball till it get dark
that's what being young is all about
man, c-o-u-n-t me out
Well what about us,
we're your friends
we wanna c-o-u-n-t
me in,
no not tonight
where you going then
tonight i wanna be with my girlfriend
You'll have to count me out
you'll have to count me out
you'll have to count me out
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
Count me out
count me out
count me out
Don't count me out
don't leave me out
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count
me out
you'll have to count me out
i'm saving kisses for my baby
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out
You'll have to count me out
you're gonna have to count
me out
you'll have to count me out
i wanna be with my girlfriend
you'll have to count me out
this time
you'll have to count me out