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Someone like you de Total Touch


This way

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Someone like you

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La canción "Someone Like You" interpretada por Total Touch es una reflexión profunda sobre el dolor y la traición en una relación amorosa. A lo largo de la letra, el narrador expresa su firme decisión de no entregar su amor a la pareja de otra persona, enfatizando la importancia de la fidelidad y la lealtad en el amor.

En el coro de la canción, se destaca la aversión del narrador a enamorarse de alguien que ya está comprometido con otra persona. Se evidencia un sentimiento de desencanto al descubrir mentiras y engaños por parte de quien se creía amado. La canción aborda temas como la manipulación emocional, las consecuencias del engaño y las heridas causadas por una relación deshonesta.

A lo largo de la letra, se plantea un conflicto interno entre los deseos del corazón y la razón. El narrador reconoce que cayó en las mentiras de su pareja y lamenta no haber sido más consciente antes. Se destaca el proceso de aprendizaje y autoconocimiento que surge tras enfrentar una decepción amorosa.

La canción sugiere una lección valiosa sobre mantenerse fiel a uno mismo y valorar la integridad en las relaciones. A través de metáforas emotivas y melodías evocadoras, Total Touch transmite un mensaje poderoso sobre la importancia del respeto mutuo y la transparencia en el amor.

En cuanto a información adicional, Total Touch es una banda neerlandesa conocida por combinar diversos estilos musicales como R&B, soul y pop. Su álbum "This Way" recibió elogios por su versatilidad musical y letras con profundidad emocional. La canción "Someone Like You" destaca como uno de los temas más reconocidos del grupo, demostrando su habilidad para conectar con audiencias a nivel emocional.

En conclusión, "Someone Like You" es mucho más que una simple canción pop; es un testimonio emotivo sobre las complejidades del amor, el dolor del engaño y la fortaleza necesaria para perseverar ante las adversidades sentimentales. Mediante sus letras conmovedoras y melódicas armonías vocales, Total Touch logra transmitir un mensaje atemporal sobre el valor propio en las relaciones afectivas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I will never dedicate my love to somebody else's lover
Just didn't wanna hear your lies, but first I had to discover
I forgot to look in your eyes and now I have to suffer
No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover

Somebody help me, somebody teach me
Somebody tell me what to do
How should I handle you ?
I may be heartless, to feel so endearious
I've given the matter you come to,
the reason and known for sure that


Why did you deceive me, you say you didn't want to hurt me
But why then did you hold me tight, you knew it would break me
Why is it that I've chosen the wrong way, which then brought me to you
But now that I've been there, I should have known better


I will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside

No I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's loverSomebody help me, somebody teach me
Somebody tell me what to do
How should I handle you ?
I may be heartless, to feel so endearious
I've given the matter you come to,
the reason and known for sure that


Why did you deceive me, you say you didn't want to hurt me
But why then did you hold me tight, you knew it would break me
Why is it that I've chosen the wrong way, which then brought me to you
But now that I've been there, I should have known better


I will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside

No I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's loverREPEAT CHORUS

Why did you deceive me, you say you didn't want to hurt me
But why then did you hold me tight, you knew it would break me
Why is it that I've chosen the wrong way, which then brought me to you
But now that I've been there, I should have known better


I will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside

No I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's loverWhy did you deceive me, you say you didn't want to hurt me
But why then did you hold me tight, you knew it would break me
Why is it that I've chosen the wrong way, which then brought me to you
But now that I've been there, I should have known better


I will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside

No I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's loverREPEAT CHORUS

I will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside

No I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's loverI will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside

No I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's loverNo I will never
(Dedicate my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's lover

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.