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Everything you know is wrong de Weird Al Yankovic


Everything you know is wrong (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Everything you know is wrong

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"Everything you know is wrong" es una canción del artista Weird Al Yankovic, conocido por sus parodias humorísticas de canciones populares. En esta canción, Yankovic despliega su característico estilo cómico y surrealista para ofrecer una serie de situaciones absurdas y delirantes que desafían la lógica y las expectativas del oyente.

La letra de la canción narra una serie de eventos extraordinarios y surrealistas que desafían la percepción de la realidad del narrador. Desde tener un wolverine rabioso en su ropa interior hasta ser abducido por extraterrestres con aspecto de Jamie Farr, cada verso presenta una situación cada vez más descabellada y absurda. A través de estos eventos extravagantes, Yankovic hace referencia al concepto subyacente de que todo lo que creemos saber o entender acerca del mundo puede ser cuestionado, desafiado e incluso revertido.

El refrán recurrente "Everything you know is wrong" se convierte en un mantra irónico que resuena a lo largo de la canción, desafiando las nociones tradicionales de lo que es real, importante o significativo. Las referencias a figuras culturales como el Coronel Sanders añaden un toque adicional de humor y absurdo a la narrativa, creando un collage extravagante de imágenes y situaciones disparatadas.

En términos musicales, la canción presenta un ritmo pegajoso y una melodía vívida que complementa las letras extravagantes e irreverentes de Yankovic. La instrumentación dinámica y juguetona resalta el tono cómico y surrealista de la composición, creando una experiencia auditiva única que invita al oyente a sumergirse en el mundo absurdo creado por el cantante.

A nivel emocional e intelectual, "Everything you know is wrong" invita al oyente a cuestionar sus propias certezas y convicciones, recordándonos la importancia de mantener una mente abierta ante lo inesperado y lo desconocido. A través del humor y la exageración, Weird Al Yankovic nos invita a explorar los límites de nuestra comprensión del mundo y a abrazar la incertidumbre con una sonrisa irónica.

En resumen, "Everything you know is wrong" es mucho más que una simple canción cómica; es una reflexión satírica sobre las limitaciones de nuestro entendimiento humano y un recordatorio humorístico de no tomar demasiado en serio nuestras propias percepciones. Con su enfoque irreverente e imaginativo, Weird Al Yankovic logra crear una pieza musical única e inolvidable que desafía las convenciones tanto líricas como musicales para deleite del público.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I was driving on the freeway in the fast lane
with a rabid wolverine in my underwear
when suddenly a guy behind me in the back seat
popped right up and cupped his hands across my eyes
i guessed, "is it uncle frank or cousin louie?
is it bob or joe or walter?
could it be bill or jim or ed or bernie or steve?"
i probably would have kept on guessing
but about that time we crashed into the truck
and as i'm laying bleeding there on the asphalt
finally i recognize the face of my hibachi dealer
who takes off his prosthetic lips and tells me
everything you know is wrong
black is white, up is down and short is long
and everything you thought was just so important doesn't matter
everything you know is wrong
just forget the words and sing along
all you need to understand is
everything you know is wrong
I was walkin' to the kitchen for some golden grahams
when i accidentally stepped into a alternate dimension
and soon i was abducted by some aliens from space
who kinda looked like jamie farr
they sucked out my internal organs
and they took some polaroids and said i was a darn good sport
and as a way of saying thank you
they offered to transport me back to any point in history that i would care to go
and so i had them send me back to last thursday night
so i could pay my phone bill on time
just then the disembodied head of colonel sanders started yelling
Everything you know is wrong
black is white, up is down and short is long
and everything you thought was just so important doesn't matter
everything you know is wrong
just forget the words and sing along
all you need to understand is
everything you know is wrong
I was just about to mail a letter to my evil twin
when i got a nasty paper cut
and, well, to make a long story short
it got infected and i died
so now i'm up in heaven with st. peter by the pearly gates
and it's obvious he doesn't like the nehru jacket that i'm wearing
he tells me that they've got a dress code
well, he lets me into heaven anyway
but i get the room next to the noisy ice machine for all eternity
and every day he runs by screaming
Everything you know is wrong
black is white, up is down and short is long
and everything you thought was just so important doesn't matter
everything you know is wrong
just forget the words and sing along
all you need to understand is
everything you know is wrong

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.