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Genius in france de Weird Al Yankovic


Genius in france (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Genius in france

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La canción "Genius in France" interpretada por Weird Al Yankovic es una oda cómica a la percepción del protagonista como un genio en Francia, a pesar de sus evidentes carencias intelectuales y habilidades. A lo largo de la letra, el protagonista reconoce su falta de inteligencia y habilidades básicas, siendo descrito como menos brillante que una caja de crayones e incluso con un coeficiente intelectual negativo en sus pruebas.

A pesar de todo esto, el personaje principal es reverenciado en Francia como un genio, recibiendo elogios y admiración por parte de las personas del país. Se destaca la ironía presente en la letra al contrastar la percepción negativa que tiene de sí mismo con la alta estima que le tienen los franceses.

La canción juega con estereotipos y clichés sobre la cultura francesa, desde su actitud arrogante hasta su amor por el arte y la moda. El protagonista se convierte en un ícono popular en Francia, siendo deseado por las mujeres y adorado por todos. A pesar de ser consciente de su falta de habilidades y carisma, logra conquistar a toda una nación simplemente por su presencia peculiar.

El humor desenfadado y surrealista de Weird Al Yankovic se refleja en esta canción, donde se burla tanto de sí mismo como de las percepciones culturales. La estructura musical acompaña perfectamente esta narrativa humorística, con ritmos pegajosos que invitan al oyente a disfrutar de la historia extravagante del protagonista convertido en un genio en Francia.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante destacar que Weird Al Yankovic es conocido por sus parodias musicales y letras ingeniosas. "Genius in France" se suma a su repertorio cómico musical, ofreciendo una visión entretenida y sarcástica sobre la fama inesperada en el extranjero.

En resumen, "Genius in France" es una canción divertida y satírica que resalta las incongruencias entre la autoimagen del protagonista y su percepción por parte de los demás. Con toques irónicos y jocosos, Weird Al Yankovic nos lleva en un viaje musical extravagante donde lo absurdo se convierte en genialidad dentro del contexto francés.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I'm not the brightest crayon in the box
everyone says i'm dumber than a bag of rocks
i barely even know how to put on my own pants
but i'm a genius in france (yeah), genius in france, genius in france
Hoom chaka laka
hoom chaka laka
hoom chaka
I may not be the sharpest hunk of cheese
i got a negative number on my sats
i'm not good looking and i don't know how to dance
but nevertheless and in spite of the evidence i am still widely considered to be
a genius in france, a genius in france, a genius in france
People say i'm a geek, a moronic little freak
an annoying pipsqueak with an unfortunate physique
if i was any dumber, they'd have to water me twice a week
But when the mademoiselles see me, they all swoon and shriek
they dig my mystique, they say i'm c'est magnifique
when i'm in par-ee, i'm the chic-est of the chic
They love my body odor and my bad toupee
they love my stripey shirt and my stupid beret
and when i'm sipping on a perrier
in some cafe town in st. tropez
It's hard to keep the fans at bay
they say, "sign my poodle, s'il vous plait"
"sign my poodle, s'il vous plait"
Hemenene humenene
himenene homenene

Folks in my hometown think i'm a fool
got too much chlorine in my gene pool
A few peas short of a casserole
a few buttons missing on my remote control
a few fries short of a happy meal
i couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel
Instructions on the heel
instructions on the heel
But when i'm in provence, i get free croissants
yeah, i'm the guy every french lady wants
and if you ask 'em why, you're bound to get this response
(he's a genius in france genius in france)
That's right
(he's a genius in france, genius in france)
you know it
(he's a genius in france, genius in france, genius in france)
I'm not the brightest bulb on the christmas tree
but the folks in france, they don't seem to agree
they say, "bonjour, monsieur would you take ze picture with me?"
I say, "oui, oui"
that's right, i say, "oui, oui"
"oui, oui"
he says, "oui, oui"
I'm dumber than a box of hair
but those frenchies don't seem to care
don't know why, mon frere
but they love me there
I'm a genius in france
yeah, i'm a genius in france
Gonna make a big splash when i show up in cannes
gonna make those frenchies scream
"you ze man you ze man you ze man"
Like a fine renoir (waa), i've got that je ne c'est quoi (quoi)
like a fine renoir (ooh la la), i've got that je ne c'est ...
quoi quoi quoi quoi quoi, oo-we-oo
quoi quoi quoi quoi quoi, oo-we-oo
Bow diddy bow di bow di bow bow diddy
bow diddy bow di bow di bow bow diddy

I'm a taco short of a combo plate
but by some twist of fate, all the frogs think i'm great
oh, the men all faint and the women scream
they like me more than heavy cream
When i'm in versailles, i'm a popular guy
my oh my, i'm as french as apple pie (apple pie)
they think i'm awfully witty, a riot and a half
when i tell a stupid joke, they laugh (haw haw haw haw haw)
and laugh (haw haw haw haw haw haw)
People in france have lots of attitude
they're snotty and rude, they like disgusting food
but when they see me, they just come unglued
they think that i am one happening dude
Bowm ba ba bowm ba bowm ba bowm
i'm about as sharp as a bowling ball
but they like me better than charles de gaulle
Entre nous, it's very true
the room temperature's higher than my iq
but they love me more than gerard depardieu
how did this happen; i don't have a clue
Well, i'm not the quickest tractor on the farm
i don't have any skills or grace or charm
and most people look at me like i'm all covered with ants
but i'm a genius in france (yeah), genius in france, genius in france
And i'm never goin' back, i'm never goin' back
i'm never never never never goin' back home again
i'm tearin' up my return flight ticket
gonna tell the folks back here where they can stick it
'cause i'm never goin' back
i'm never goin' back
i'm never goin' back
The girls back home never gave me a chance
but i sho' 'nuff got them frogs in some kinda trance
and i'm aware that it's a most improbable circumstance
but "great googily moogily", i'm a genius in france
Every frenchie that i meet
just can't wait to kiss my feet
get in line, pucker up tout suite
Bowm diddy bowm diddy bowm diddy
I'm gettin' even more famous by the hour
i'm stuffed with pastries and drunk with power
now they're puttin' up my statue by the eiffel tower
A little more to the left, boys, a little more to the left
a little more to the left, boys, a little more to the left
I'm the biggest dork there is alive
my mom picked out my clothes for me 'till i was 35
and i forgot to mention
i'm not even welcome at the star trek convention
But the frenchies think
that my poop don't stink
i'm a genius in france
Say, would you pass the grey poupon?
merci beaucoup

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.