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Driving the last spike de Genesis


The way we walk, volume 2: the longs

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Driving the last spike

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La canción "Driving the Last Spike" interpretada por Genesis, incluida en el álbum "The Way We Walk, Volume 2: The Longs", se sumerge en una narrativa profunda y emotiva que explora la dureza del trabajo físico y las consecuencias personales y emocionales que conlleva. A lo largo de la letra, se narra la historia de un hombre que deja a su familia atrás para embarcarse en un viaje incierto, lleno de sacrificios y desafíos. La canción captura magistralmente la tensión entre el deber hacia los demás y la lucha interna por mantener la integridad personal.

El significado detrás de las letras revela una profunda introspección sobre la dedicación al trabajo duro y los peligros asociados. El protagonista se ve obligado a enfrentar condiciones extremas mientras construye vías férreas, poniendo su vida en riesgo día tras día. A través de metáforas como "we worked like the devil for our pay", se destaca el esfuerzo sobrehumano necesario para alcanzar objetivos y sostener a quienes dependen de él.

La canción también aborda temas como el engaño y la traición, ilustrando cómo las promesas vacías pueden poner en peligro muchas vidas inocentes sin importar cuánto uno haya sacrificado. Se refleja una lucha interna entre seguir adelante con valor a pesar del miedo y la incertidumbre o ceder ante las circunstancias adversas.

El uso de metáforas como "I sold them my heart, I sold them my soul" resalta el costo personal que implica comprometerse totalmente con una tarea exigente, donde no solo se ofrecen habilidades laborales sino también aspectos emocionales profundos. La permanencia del recuerdo familiar reflejada en versos como "I can hear my children's cry, I can see the tears in their eyes" agrega una capa adicional de conexión emocional que pesa sobre el protagonista.

En términos musicales, Genesis crea una atmósfera melancólica e intensa a través de acordes profundos e instrumentaciones variadas que refuerzan el tono reflexivo y evocador subyacente en la letra. La voz emotiva de Phil Collins guía al oyente a través de esta aventura narrativa cargada de sentimientos encontrados.

En comparación con otras obras del grupo Genesis o incluso dentro del rock clásico, "Driving the Last Spike" destaca por su contenido lírico detallado e impactante que transporta al oyente a un mundo donde el valor moral choca contra las realidades crueles del trabajo manual duro.

En conclusión, "Driving the Last Spike" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un relato poderoso sobre sacrificio, resistencia y lealtad frente a desafíos casi insuperables. Genesis logra transmitir tanto la angustia como la determinación del personaje principal mediante elementos musicales magistralmente tejidos junto con letras significativas e impactantes.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Leaving my family behind me
not knowing what lay ahead
waving goodbye, as i left them in tears
remembering all we'd said
I looked to the sky, i offered my prayers
i asked him for guidance and strength
but the simple beliefs of a simple man
lay in his hands, and on my head
my head
I gave everything that they wanted
but still they wanted more
we sweat and we toiled
good men lost their lives
i don't think they knew what for
I sold them my heart
i sold them my soul
i gave everything i had
but they couldn't break my spirit
my dignity fought back
just fightback
Can you hear me
can you see
don't you hear me
don't you see
We worked in gangs for all we were worth
the young boys pulling the wagons
we were digging the tunnels, shifting the earth
it was then that it happened
No-one knew how the cracks appeared
but as it fell they all disappeared
stone fell like rain
Can you hear me
can you see
don't you hear me
can you breathe
The smoke cleared, the dust it settled
no one knew how many had died
all around there were broken men
they'd said it was safe, and they'd lied
you could hear the cries, you could smell the fear
but good fortune that day was mine
and it occurred to me that the heart of a good man
it seems is hard to find
Can you hear me
can you see
don't you hear me
don't you see
how we worked, how we worked like
the devil for our pay
through the wind, through the snow
and through the rain
Blasting and cutting through gods country like a knife
sweat stinging my eyes, there has to be a better life
But i can hear my children's cry
i can see the tears in their eyes
memories of those i've left behind
oh just still ringing in my ears
will i ever go back again
will i ever see her face again
cos i'll always remember that night
as they waved goodbye to their fathers
We came from the south
and we came from the north
with picks and with spades
and a new kind of order
showing no fear of what lies up ahead
they'll never see the likes of us again
Driving the last spike
lifting and laying the track
with blistering hands
and the sun burning your back
But i can hear my children's cry
i can see the tears in their eyes
oh memories of those i've left behind
still ringing in my ears
cos i'll always remember that night
as they waved goodbye to their fathers
We followed the rail, we slept under the stars
digging in darkness and living with danger
showing no fear of what lies up ahead
they'll never see the likes of us again
Can you hear me
can you see
don't you hear me
don't you see

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.