Dice la canción

Christian soldiers de Rasputina


How we quit the forest

14 de diciembre de 2011

anatomically speaking
quite an astounding thing
oh that splendid syringe
oh that exhilarating excursion.

The song "Christian Soldiers" by Rasputina, from the album "How We Quit the Forest," delves into dark and macabre imagery, typical of the gothic and alternative genres. Through haunting cello rock melodies and ethereal female vocals, the band creates a unique atmosphere that transports the listener to a different realm.

The lyrics of "Christian Soldiers" tell a disturbing tale of medieval exorcists using a twenty-gallon brass syringe filled with holy water to perform exorcisms by pumping it into the patient's anus. The song delves into anatomical details and describes the grotesque procedure in vivid imagery, creating a sense of unease and discomfort in the listener. The devil's voice interjects at certain points, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the song.

The meaning behind the lyrics is open to interpretation but can be seen as a critique of religious extremism and abuse of power. The imagery of using holy water in such a violent and invasive manner challenges traditional notions of spirituality and questions the morality behind such practices. It also explores themes of control, manipulation, and blind faith.

One interesting fact about Rasputina is that they are known for their unconventional instrumentation, featuring cellos as the main focal point in their music. This unique approach sets them apart from other bands in their genre and adds a distinct flavor to their sound.

Overall, "Christian Soldiers" is a haunting and thought-provoking song that pushes boundaries both musically and lyrically. Its dark imagery and unsettling themes make it a standout track on the album "How We Quit the Forest," showcasing Rasputina's penchant for exploring the darker aspects of human nature through their music.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

The medieval exorcists
used a twenty-gallon brass
a twenty-gallon brass syringe,
filled with holy water
(devil's voice):
(devil's voice goes along)
a twenty-gallon brass syringe
filled with holy water
which they pumped
into the anus of the

Letra traducida a Español

Los exorcistas medievales usaban una jeringa de latón de veinte galones, llenada con agua bendita
(voz del diablo):
(voz del diablo continúa)
una jeringa de latón de veinte galones
llena de agua bendita
que introducían
en el ano del poseído.

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.