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To the moon & back de Savage Garden


To the moon & back (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de To the moon & back

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La canción "To the Moon & Back" es interpretada por Savage Garden, un dúo musical australiano formado por Darren Hayes y Daniel Jones. La canción pertenece a su álbum homónimo "Savage Garden", lanzado en 1997 dentro del género pop. La letra de la canción explora temas de amor, soledad y la búsqueda de afecto, con metáforas que reflejan un sentido de insatisfacción emocional.

En la letra, se describe a una mujer que se siente herida y busca razones para justificar su dolor interno. Se sugiere que su relación con sus padres ha sido problemática, lo que ha afectado su capacidad para aceptar el cariño humano. la protagonista muestra una actitud distante hacia la afecto humano como resultado de experiencias pasadas donde el amor no fue correspondido o estuvo ausente.

Se expresa la idea de que el amor es complicado como un lugar estéril en el que uno busca fe humana. La protagonista anhela ser amada pero se siente perdida al no tener un mapa para guiarla en esta búsqueda. Sin embargo, aún mantiene su esperanza en encontrar un nuevo comienzo y una conexión genuina.

La repetición de frases como "I will fly you to the moon and back" y "so would you be my baby" sugiere un deseo profundo de encontrar esa conexión especial que falta en su vida. La metáfora del viaje a la luna simboliza un compromiso extremo por parte de la protagonista para alcanzar ese amor verdadero y duradero.

En cuanto al tono musical y estructura, la canción presenta cambios dinámicos entre momentos más melódicos y otros más intensos, enfatizando las emociones descritas en la letra. Los acordes menores utilizados contribuyen a crear una atmósfera emotiva y reflexiva que resuena con el tema central de la canción.

Comparativamente, otras canciones populares de Savage Garden como "Truly Madly Deeply" comparten temas similares de amor apasionado y vulnerabilidad emocional. El dúo es conocido por escribir letras introspectivas sobre relaciones humanas que resuenan con muchas personas debido a su honestidad y sinceridad.

"To the Moon & Back" captura el anhelo universal por conexiones significativas y muestra cómo el pasado puede influir en nuestra capacidad para amar y ser amados. A través de sus letras emotivas y melodías envolventes, Savage Garden logra transmitir sentimientos profundos relacionados con la importancia del afecto humano en nuestras vidas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

She s taking her time making up the reasons
to justify all the hurt inside
Guess she knows, from the smiles and the look in their eyes
Everyone s got a theory ‘bout the bitter one
They re saying, Mama never loved her much and
Daddy never keeps in touch and
that s why she shies away from human affection
but somewhere in a private place
she packs her bags for outterspace
and now she s waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
(and she ll say to him) she s saying

I will fly you to the moon and back
if you ll be, if you ll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we are belong
so would you be my baby

She can t remember a time, when she felt needed
if love was red then she was colorblind
All her friends, they d been trialed for treason
In crimes that were never defined
She s saying, love is like a barren place
reaching out for human faith.
It s like a journey I just don t have a map for
so, baby s gonna take a dive and
we ll shift to overdrive
send a signal that she s hanging all her hopes on the stars
(what a pleasantry) she s saying

hold on, hold on

(Solo on the first part)
Mama never loved her much and
daddy never keeps in touch
That s why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private space
she packs her bags for outterspace
and now she s waiting for the right kind off pilot to come
(And she ll say to him) She s saying.

Chord Notation

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Ab |Ab |

|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |


|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
I will fly you to the moon and back
if you ll be, if you ll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we are belong
so would you be my baby

She can t remember a time, when she felt needed
if love was red then she was colorblind
All her friends, they d been trialed for treason
In crimes that were never defined
She s saying, love is like a barren place
reaching out for human faith.
It s like a journey I just don t have a map for
so, baby s gonna take a dive and
we ll shift to overdrive
send a signal that she s hanging all her hopes on the stars
(what a pleasantry) she s saying

hold on, hold on

(Solo on the first part)
Mama never loved her much and
daddy never keeps in touch
That s why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private space
she packs her bags for outterspace
and now she s waiting for the right kind off pilot to come
(And she ll say to him) She s saying.

Chord Notation

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Ab |Ab |

|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |


|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
She can t remember a time, when she felt needed
if love was red then she was colorblind
All her friends, they d been trialed for treason
In crimes that were never defined
She s saying, love is like a barren place
reaching out for human faith.
It s like a journey I just don t have a map for
so, baby s gonna take a dive and
we ll shift to overdrive
send a signal that she s hanging all her hopes on the stars
(what a pleasantry) she s saying

hold on, hold on

(Solo on the first part)
Mama never loved her much and
daddy never keeps in touch
That s why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private space
she packs her bags for outterspace
and now she s waiting for the right kind off pilot to come
(And she ll say to him) She s saying.

Chord Notation

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Ab |Ab |

|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |


|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
hold on, hold on

(Solo on the first part)
Mama never loved her much and
daddy never keeps in touch
That s why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private space
she packs her bags for outterspace
and now she s waiting for the right kind off pilot to come
(And she ll say to him) She s saying.

Chord Notation

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Ab |Ab |

|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |


|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab | (2x)

Chord Notation

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Ab |Ab |

|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |


|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |
|Ab |Ab |

|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Ab |Bb |Gm |
|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |


|Cm |Bb |Gm |Ab |

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.