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Good Wife de Mika


No Place In Heaven

2 de abril de 2015

Significado de Good Wife

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La canción "Good Wife" de Mika es una balada emotiva que narra la historia de un hombre que se encuentra en un momento difícil tras ser abandonado por su esposa y su hija. A través de la letra, se muestra la comprensión y el deseo de consolar a su amigo en medio de su dolor emocional.

El narrador expresa su deseo de ser un buen esposo si estuviera en la misma situación, prometiendo lealtad y apoyo incondicional a su pareja. Destaca la importancia del compromiso en una relación, contrastando con las acciones de la esposa infiel que ha abandonado a su familia por alguien más.

Mika utiliza metáforas poderosas para describir la sensación de pérdida y soledad que experimenta el personaje principal. La referencia al concepto de "watchers and do'ers" refleja la idea de estar pasivo ante las circunstancias, aceptando lo que la vida le ha dado sin poder cambiarlo.

La canción transmite un mensaje de amistad y apoyo incondicional, mostrando empatía hacia el dolor ajeno y ofreciendo consuelo en medio de la adversidad. La repetición del estribillo "You'll never know the good life" resalta la resignación ante lo desconocido y las oportunidades perdidas.

En términos musicales, "Good Wife" se caracteriza por una melodía melancólica acompañada de arreglos pop que complementan la temática emocional de la letra. Los instrumentos utilizados en la canción contribuyen a crear una atmósfera introspectiva y reflexiva, reforzando el mensaje sentimental transmitido por Mika.

Con su álbum "No Place In Heaven", Mika continúa explorando temas profundos relacionados con las relaciones humanas y las emociones complejas que surgen en situaciones difíciles. Su estilo pop melódico se combina con letras poéticas para crear composiciones emotivas y cautivadoras que resuenan con los oyentes.

En definitiva, "Good Wife" es una canción que aborda temas universales como el amor, la pérdida y el consuelo mutuo en tiempos turbulentos. A través de sus letras sinceras y emotivas, Mika logra conectar con sus seguidores al transmitir mensajes impactantes sobre la fortaleza de los vínculos humanos frente a las adversidades cotidianas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Comes on over, wants to drown his sorrows
Got a two-seater sofa and some whiskey in a bottle
Broken in tears with the weight of the world on his shoulders
"Oh my god, Sam, what's happened to you?"
Says his wife's just left with his 2-year-old daughter
To live in Acapulco with some idiot she only met a couple months ago
I wish I could tell you that

If it was me, I would be a good wife
I would never doubt you, ours would be a good life
And we could be better than so many
I would never stress you about bringing home the plenty
For all these things another life I'll have to wait
Would have been perfect if only God had wanted it
But you'll never know and when we'll get old
Let's not talk about it, rest your head upon my shoulder

You'll never know
You'll never know
You'll never know the good life
You'll never know the good life
You'll never know the good life

Somebody once told me that there are watchers and there are do'ers in this world
Guess I'm a watcher, not by choice
It's just what I was hurled
We're just two friends
It's not a risky situation
I wish I could tell you that

If it was me I would be a good wife
I would never doubt you, ours would be a good life
And we could be better than so many
I would never stress you about bringing home the plenty
For all these things another life I'll have to wait
Would have been perfect if only God had wanted it
But you'll never know when we'll get old
Let's not talk about it, rest your head upon my shoulder

You'll never know
You'll never know
You'll never know the good life
You'll never know the good life
You'll never know the good life

Rest your head upon my shoulder
(I'm too tired, you can see)
Now that life's a little colder
(I could love you simply)
And even if you'll never know
(Wouldn't leave if it was me)
My love will never run away like the sunshine
Good time friend not just the good times

For all these things another life I'll have to wait
Would have been perfect if only God had wanted it
But you'll never know when we'll get old
Let's not talk about it, rest your head upon my shoulder

You'll never know
You'll never know
You'll never know the good life
You'll never know the good life
You'll never know the good life

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.