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Crusader de Chris De Burgh


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14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Crusader

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La letra de la canción "Crusader" del cantante Chris de Burgh es una narración épica que transporta al oyente a las cruzadas y la lucha por Jerusalén. A través de diálogos entre personajes históricos como el obispo, el rey, y Saladin, se expone la caída de Jerusalén en manos de los heathens y la llamada a la acción para recuperarla. El énfasis en la pérdida de Jerusalén se repite a lo largo de la canción, creando un sentido de urgencia y deber sagrado para aquellos dispuestos a luchar por su fe.

El narrador describe a Saladin como un rey despreocupado, absorto en sus placeres mundanos, confiado en su invencibilidad. Sin embargo, su confianza se desmorona cuando se enfrenta a los cruzados dirigidos por Ricardo Corazón de León. La victoria final de los cristianos es exaltada con fervor, mostrando la creencia en que Dios está del lado de aquellos que defienden Su tierra sagrada.

A medida que avanza la narración, un diálogo entre un sabio y un necio plantea preguntas sobre si el mundo alguna vez podrá unirse nuevamente en paz o si solo prevalece la codicia y el mal en las batallas actuales. Se sugiere que la era gloriosa de los cruzados ha quedado atrás, dejando lugar a un presente más cínico y despiadado.

La canción hace referencia tanto a figuras históricas como Saladin y Ricardo Corazón de León, así como al ambiente político y religioso tenso característico de las cruzadas. Las menciones precisas del popurrí europeo para reunir fuerzas muestra una conexión con eventos documentados e históricos.

Uno puede interpretar "Crusader" como una reflexión sobre la historia pasada pero aún relevante en el contexto contemporáneo. La dualidad entre nobleza y pecado, feudo e infiel, resuena a través del tiempo y revela cómo los conflictos pueden surgir por diferencias ideológicas profundas.

Una canción impresionante que captura perfectamente el espíritu guerrero medieval mientras arroja luz sobre cuestiones morales universales e intemporales relacionadas con el poder, la fe y el conflicto. Chris De Burgh logra transportar al oyente a través del tiempo hacia este período turbulento mientras plantea preguntas provocadoras sobre nuestra sociedad actual.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

"what do i do next?" said the bishop to the priest,
"i have spent my whole life waiting, preparing for the feast,
and now you say jerusalem has fallen and is lost,
the king of heathen saracen has seized the holy cross;"
Then the priest said "oh my bishop, we must put them to the sword,
for god in all his mercy will find a just reward,
for the noblemen and sinners, and knights of ready hand,
who will be the lord's crusader, send word through all the land,
jerusalem is lost,
jerusalem is lost,
jerusalem is lost;"
"tell me what to do", said the king upon his throne,
"but speak to me in whispers for we are not alone,
they tell me that jerusalem has fallen to the hand,
of some bedevilled eastern heathen who has seized the holy land;"
Then the chamberlain said "lord, we must call upon our foes
in spain and france and germany to end our bitter wars,
all christian men must be as one and gather for the fight,
you will be their leader, begin the battle cry,
jerusalem is lost,
jerusalem is lost,
jerusalem is lost"...
ooh, high on a hill, in the town of jerusalem,
there stood saladin, the king of the saracens,
whoring and drinking and snoring and sinking, around him his army lay,
secure in the knowledge that he had won the day;
A messenger came, blood on his feet and a wound in his chest,
"the christians are coming" he said, "i have seen their cross in the west,"
in a rage saladin struck him down with his knife,
and he said "i know that this man lies,
they quarrel too much, the christians could never unite
i am invincible, i am the king,
i am invincible, and i will ;
closer they came, the army of richard the lionheart,
marching by day and night, with soldiers from every part,
and when the crusaders came over the mountain and they saw jerusalem,
they fell to their knees and prayed for her release;
They started the battle at dawn, taking the city by storm,
with horsemen and bowmen and engines of war,
they broke through the city walls,
the heathens were flying and screaming and dying,
and the christian swords were strong,
and saladin ran when he heard their victory song;
"we are invincible, god is the king,
we are invincible, and we will win"
"what do i do now?" said the wise man to the fool,
"i have spent my whole life searching, to find the golden rule,
though centuries have disappeared, the memory still remains,
of those enemies together, could it be that way again?"
Then the fool said "oh you wise men, you really make me laugh,
with your talk of vast persuasion and searching through the past,
there is only greed and evil in the men who fight today,
the song of the crusader has long since gone away,
jerusalem is lost,
jerusalem is lost,
jerusalem is

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.