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Come in from the cold de Joni Mitchell



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Come in from the cold

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La letra de la canción "Come in from the Cold" de Joni Mitchell es una reflexión profunda sobre la búsqueda de un refugio emocional y la vulnerabilidad en las relaciones humanas. A través de metáforas y simbolismos, Mitchell captura la sensación de anhelo por un lugar seguro donde poder expresar libremente los sentimientos y emociones sin miedo al juicio o a la soledad.

La canción nos transporta a 1957, evocando una época pasada marcada por las limitaciones impuestas por la sociedad en cuanto a expresión afectiva. La narradora describe cómo era necesario mantener sus distancia al bailar, bajo la atenta mirada de quienes observaban con reglas estrictas. Esta memoria del pasado se convierte en un símbolo de la lucha por liberarse de las restricciones que impiden conectar verdaderamente con otra persona.

Joni Mitchell expresa el deseo profundo de encontrar ese lugar cálido y acogedor al que llama "come in from the cold", aludiendo a escapar del frío emocional y encontrar consuelo en el afecto mutuo. La idea de ser comprado y vendido sugiere una sensación de sentirse utilizado o explotado en busca de algo mejor que finalmente resulta ilusorio.

En esa búsqueda desesperada por conexión y autenticidad, Mitchell destaca la intensidad sensorial del contacto físico, describiendo cómo el roce sutil puede provocar un estallido emocional dentro de uno mismo. Los fuegos internos que arden como incendios simbolizan las pasiones reprimidas que anhelan ser liberadas y compartidas.

La narradora se presenta como alguien vulnerable, humana y necesitada de amor genuino y comprensión. Su percepción poética sobre la realidad revela su profunda empatía hacia aquellos que también buscan un refugio sentimental en medio del caos del mundo exterior.

Además, mediante comparaciones con símbolos como estatuas en un parque o animales nocturnos merodeando en busca de calor humano, Joni Mitchell resalta la fragilidad inherente a nuestra condición humana. Se cuestiona incluso si toda esa electricidad vital es solo una ilusión efímera o una fuerza real capaz de darnos significado e identidad.

En última instancia, "Come in from the Cold" invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias necesidades emocionales y a reconocer la importancia fundamental del amor sincero y auténtico como fuente primordial para nuestra realización personal. Esta balada melancólica resuena con aquellos que buscan refugio en el calor humano y anhelan romper barreras para vivir plenamente sus emociones más profundas.

- https://genius.com/Joni-mitchell-come-in-from-the-cold-lyrics

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Back in 1957
we had to dance a foot apart
and they hawk-eyed us from the sidelines
holding their rulers without a heart
and so with just a touch of our fingers
i could make our circuitry explode
all we ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold
Come in
come in from the cold
(we were so young)
oh come in
come in from the cold
We really thought we had a purpose
we were so anxious to achieve
we had hope
the world held promise
for a slave to liberty
freely i slaved away for something better
and i was bought and sold
and all i ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold
Come in
come in from the cold
(we were so sure)
oh come in
come in from the cold
I feel your leg under the table
leaning into mine
i feel renewed
i feel disabled
by these bonfires in my spine
i don't know who the arsonist was
which incendiary soul
but all i ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold
Come in
come in from the cold
(you were so warm)
oh come in
come in from the cold
I am not some stone commission
like a statue in a park
i am flesh and blood and vision
i am howling in the dark
long blue shadows of the jackals
are falling on a pay phone by the road
oh all they ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold
Come in
come in from the cold
(i was so low)
oh come in
come in from the cold
Is this just vulgar electricity
is this the edifying fire
(it was so pure)
does your smile's covert complicity
debase as it admires
(just a flu with a temperature)
are you just checking out your mojo
or am i just fighting off growing old
(just a high fever)
all i ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold
Come in
come in from the cold
(it was so pure)
oh come in
come in from the cold
I know we never will be perfect
never entirely clear
(when the moon shines)
we get hurt and we just panic
and we strike out
out of fear
(you were only being kind)
i fear the sentence of this solitude
200 years on hold
(for my loving crime)
oh and all we ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold

Come in
come in from the cold
(when the moon shines)
oh come in
come in from the cold
When i thought life had some purpose
then i thought i had some choice
(i was running blind)
and i made some value judgments
in a self-important voice
(i was outa line)
but then absurdity came over me
and i longed to lose control
(into no mind)
oh all i ever wanted
was just to come in from the cold
Come in
come in from the cold
(you were so kind)
please come in
(so kind)
come in from the cold
come in come in
come in from the cold, etc.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.